Twitter Self Serve Ads

3 replies
Self Serve Ads Coming to Twitter, is this a good thing?

Despite almost having 10,000 twitter followers, I get less than 40 clicks a day... horrible ration. Are Twitter ads going to matter?

Performance Marketing Insider » Twitter Opens Self Serve Ads » Performance Marketing Insider
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  • Profile picture of the author paulpower
    I cannot honestly say whether this will be a good thing or not, as it depends on what the price either per ad, or per keyword will be.

    Will they start cheap, and run it as a PPC? If so, then watch the competitive ketwords spiral completely out of control as has happened on Google.

    Also, will they tell affiliates that their ads are not allowed? Sadly unless I get more details I am afraid I will wait before I commit.
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  • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
    I've really been struggling with what I think about these. Usually I like to hop on something new and try it, but I might let some other people give it a whirl before I try and tackle Twitter ads. I hope it turns out to be a good opportunity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricochet
    I'm not sure about the ads, but regarding the low click rate..
    I am only at about 1k followers at mo and the first few hundred were really unresponsive!
    This was because I only put promo links out there and never engaged in twitter manually, just set and forget with software..
    However I recently changed my "auto tweets" and added lots of free content, gifts e.t.c
    I have had a much better response and often my tweets get mentioned. My rate of followers is forever climbing (fast) and my tweets are much better received
    I'm certainly no twiiter master but give lots of good content mixed with promo tweets here and there would be my advice to improve responsiveness
    Hope that helps..
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