8 replies
Can we use price range in amazon reviews. I know we cant use exact price as it keeps varying.
#amazon #query
  • Profile picture of the author matt5409
    yep, i do. it's good for giving the user an idea of cost without being too specific.
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    • Profile picture of the author Barefoot Warrior
      I'll confirm what Matt said

      I have a feeling that Amazon also don't permit Associates to quote exact prices on a website, but can't go through all the info to check that - so maybe I just dreamt it!
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      • Profile picture of the author dfs_dean
        Originally Posted by Barefoot Warrior View Post

        I'll confirm what Matt said

        I have a feeling that Amazon also don't permit Associates to quote exact prices on a website, but can't go through all the info to check that - so maybe I just dreamt it!
        It is against Amazon's terms to include pricing in your reviews because prices can and do change. However, they will allow you to show prices IF you pull them through their API AND you ensure the info is refreshed frequently, but at least every 23 hours I believe.

        Find something to enjoy about reality. It's not going to go away.
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  • Profile picture of the author Deezle
    Yes, giving an exact price won't frustrate the user if they go to buy it and can't find that bottom dollar price. It's good to give a price of between for example $20-40 rather than just $20.34.
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    • Profile picture of the author loshmi86
      i think its best not to mention price, instead make call to action text link to amazon. someting like "click here for 30% off and free shiping".
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      • Profile picture of the author PLRExpress
        I always say something like "The list price is X but you can get it cheaper on Amazon here" - and then give an affiliate link. It really helps with clicks through to Amazon because people want to know the lower price so they click through.
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    Yep using a price difference is a good strategy also looks like a "genuine" review :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    Yes you can. That's a good idea!
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