Using "Buy From Amazon" buttons on your review sites

3 replies
For all of the Amazon affiliates out there, I was wondering what your take is on using the graphic "Buy From Amazon" buttons that Amazon provides for your review sites. Do you use them or not and why?

I've never used them up until this point because I always feared that if someone saw them, they would leave my site and go straight to Amazon to check the price of the product instead of clicking on my "Buy From Amazon" button to check the price. Perhaps that's just me being paranoid.

I've always had success without using the "Buy From Amazon" button, but on the site I'm building right now I've decided to use them to see what happens.

Anyways, just curious about your experiences and opinions.
#buttons #buy from amazon #review #sites
  • Profile picture of the author Bryan V
    I have sites with anchor text that says "buy from Amazon" or something similar, and conversion rates are pretty similar across sites that don't mention Amazon.

    In most cases, I would think the buyer would be even more enticed to click since Amazon is a trusted site. It's easier to do than opening up a new page to type it in. Most people are lazy. Most are not internet marketers, and are not going to do that to avoid clicking an affiliate link.

    A split test on your site would answer that though.
    Perhaps an attic I shall seek.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
      I use the buttons all my sites and find they raise conversions.

      Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ofthemix
    Thanks guys. I know some top Amazon affiliates use them, I've just never really been fond of them.
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