One of my students asked me about twitter today.

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One of my students asked me a couple of questions today about twitter and I've had these questions before, so I will try to explain my thoughts and if you know for sure would like to hear it.

1. How doe's twitter even help you, just seems like a bunch of advertising on there.
A. Twitter like facebook and the other 1,000 social sites are used as networking platforms. Just as we have clubs and organizations in real life for networking we have internet sites for it also. It's a place for like mined people to get together to accomplish a common goal, with some being leaders and some being followers.

2.How many twitter followers can I have, how many per day. If I get to many will they block me.

A. No limits.
B. No set limits.
C. No they won't, see guidelines below.

If you follow too many people too fast twitter will be alerted. There bots can tell if you use software, there are only a few software I rec. and they use your browser and mimick human activity to follow.

If you follow and unfollow too many people at the same time, Twitter bot will be alerted.

If you have too many followings to follows Twitter will slow you down. I have pretty much narrowed it down to 1/4 and between 1/3, I have seen different figures on different accounts but it is usually within those guidelines.

Now do you risk being blocked or banned by following everyone you can.
Here is what I do.
1. I create the account.
2. I try to find the top guru for the niche the account is for.
3. I try to get them to follow me, and it might not be one person but say a 100. This is all in one day. Before the day ends. I will click follow to about 50 to 100 each of there followers.

NOW STOP.........Don't do no more following for now. Day two and on what you do is post about four times a day, Don't do more than about six and spread them out through the day, you not being known will irritate the gurus and they will unfollow.

Anyways you always add #teamfollowback! To your tweet and sometimes if I have room I also add Ifollowback. just in case they do not know what #teamfollowback! is.
My accounts are always created about a month before the website comes out and I will tweet something like

(Don't miss __________ opening soon. Stand in line to get the best deal.
Ifollowback #teamfollowback!

You can not have the same tweet twice, So I make the first six different and just go down the line and copy and post.

On about day 3 I will add about 50 followers of the top gurus I selected again. I will do the same on day 4 thru 7 On day 7 I will unfollow about 200 of the ones not following me. I will unfollow those who are not following me.

Now this works as your twitter account grows. At first you will see the followbacktag only get about 2 or 3 followers but as you get more followers you will see that grow. I have one account with over a hundred thousand followers. A followback tag will get me hundreds of followers.

I also suggest adding a filter to your email so you can take all the twitter emails out of your inbox.

I have only had two accounts banned and I used heavy software on those.

I have been alot more aggressive and not been banned, But if I do the above I know I will be safe.

Or you can buy tweetattack and pretty much be safe if used intelligently.
#asked #students #today #twitter

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