Promote ebooks via FB Fan, Blog or Website?

17 replies
Warriors...need some wisdom...I've now created 10 ebooks selling basically on Kindle...have really done nothing else to promote them other than let Amazon search engine do its thing...

My question: I'm giving some thought to building an FB Fan Page, Blog or Website to promote the books...

Would love thoughts on which if any of these is the best tactic?

Thanks for any and all enlightenment...
#blog #ebooks #fan #promote #website
  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    I usually try to write several books in the same niche and create a website to promote them. I also blog about the subject and have an opt-in box so they can sign up for more information and notifications of new releases.

    Facebook fan pages can be very useful too. I do a fan page any time I create a series as well as one that goes along with the niche blog.
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    • Profile picture of the author tehering
      So Amanda...which one do you value the most?
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    I prefer the blog, as long as you can offer them something for opting in and make sure to tell them that inside of the Kindle book. This way you can build a list in that niche. I use many of my Kindle books as an extra way to get people to my niche blog and build myself up as an authority in the niche.

    I also get the benefit of being able to directly ask them what they want to know more about to give me ideas for new books and I can let them know when I release a new book. I get tons of repeat customers this way.
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  • Profile picture of the author TLH Media Mktg
    Originally Posted by tehering View Post

    Warriors...need some wisdom...I've now created 10 ebooks selling basically on Kindle...have really done nothing else to promote them other than let Amazon search engine do its thing...

    My question: I'm giving some thought to building an FB Fan Page, Blog or Website to promote the books...

    Would love thoughts on which if any of these is the best tactic?

    Thanks for any and all enlightenment...
    I like to use a blog and post relevant content to the niche (subject matter of the book) on a daily basis. I set up a FB Fan Page and Twitter account also and ping my posts to those accounts too. I find that so long as I am posting relevant, quality content daily, my posts will eventually make it to the 1st page of Google. So, for every niche, I do a blog, Facebook, and Twitter account. I'm also checking into adding Google+ to the mix.
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  • Profile picture of the author Looking4Mentor
    Originally Posted by agrevo View Post

    Hi friends.....

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    Start a new thread for your question. Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Looking4Mentor

      I am partical to blogs. I've been blogging for over 5 years now. I believe a blog site with a real person giving personal advice and reviews gives a nice personal touch.

      Since you have written a good amount of e-books, you can promote them and bloggspot has a built in e-mail optin as well. Anytime you can produce a new avenue to sell you products is a good one!
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  • Profile picture of the author ErikNilsson
    create google alert's for your kindle book category and try to get backlinks for them...
    USA Bank Account + ATM Card for Non-USA Residents Service PM me
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Try building a list that's one of the best ways. Then just do lots of adswaps and things.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Doing the fan page and blog or website altogether really helps your campaign... The fanpage wouldn't require much effort while the blog or website will require regular postings...
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan J
    I will be publishing my ebooks on Kindle soon, for the last few months I've been building a fan page in my niche to not only promote my ebooks in the near future, but also to promote niche-related items via amazon associates. Don't get me mistaken for some spammer randomly posting affiliate links.

    5 days of the week i post useful and engaging content to my audience, the remaining days I'll promote no more than 3 items.

    Content is king. Build trust and you'll go a long way!
    Email Copywriter For Established Info Marketers
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  • Profile picture of the author Manie Amari
    Originally Posted by tehering View Post

    My question: I'm giving some thought to building an FB Fan Page, Blog or Website to promote the books...
    It sounds like your looking the most effective route to take amongst your personal choices Fan Page or blog. However both are just as effective as one another depending on how you use them to market and your niche.

    I recommend you do both. Learning one over the other won't waist your time. If anything it will be knowledge gained. Apply focused effort into your marketing campaign.

    Good luck!

    This will NOT be up for long. Get it now whilst You still can. Btw it's FREE...
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  • Profile picture of the author typoo999
    Hit me up if you are interested in Facebook marketing.
    Boom shakalaka!
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  • Profile picture of the author Smilix
    I would do it via Facebook fanpages, but all comes down to it in which niches ebooks. Meaning that some niches are saturated and expensive to bid via FB ads.
    Build a fan base on different pages and even cross promote is they are in similar niche or even better same one.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thierry Valker
      A blog is the better way to promote your product. It's so easyto put fresh content all the days if it'spossible for you. And you can link some words to your html squeeze page to build your list and purpose your product..
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Definitely start with a blog for a few reasons:

    1. You want to make your core branding, landing and conversion site something YOU control. Imagine spending months building content and traffic to your FB fan page and then they go and change the format, terms of service or ban your page altogether - you want CONTROL

    2. Blogs are great for SE, traffic and syndication - all of this combined gives you some very niche traffic possibilities

    3. You have ultimate flexibility of both site design and future moves (you can sell it, advertise on it, etc...)

    4. Blogs are nice (especially WP) because you can leverage plugins that can make life very simple...I use plugins for everyting from blocking spam to posting multimedia content through SEO and managing ads

    Once you have your key content, landing and money pages - you can then feed them links and traffic from 3rd party sites such as FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc...

    Here is an article I recently put together on building your own sites using your own domains versus 3rd party platforms that should provide additional help...Setup Your Business On Facebook, Squidoo or Blogger?

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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    Ditto on the blog recommendation. I don't write ebooks for myself, but I've had clients tell me how valuable it can be to have a blog that complements their ebooks. That way, readers can see that they really do know what they're talking about - and, hence, will be much more willing to plop down some money for a book or two.

    Plus, the blog gives you the freedom to start an email list, where you can let people know all about new books you've released (or other offers that could appeal to them).

    And, of course, you can always optimize your blog to get some search engine love - besides where you may pop up on Amazon's search results.

    That being said, you could always use Facebook and Twitter as a supplement to your blog... After all, there's no rule that says you can only use one or the other.
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  • Profile picture of the author Weby Digital
    Well, you should use them all. Maybe a website is better then a blog unless you want to write some articles about your ebooks. (But you can always build them on a WordPress platform).
    And you can build a fb fan page connected to your website, too.
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