Congratulations Canada! We have joined the party...

by THK
4 replies
This is not the official page, but it has links to some pages you might want to read. It is about the bill C-11.

If you don't know what it is, it is the Canadian version of SOPA with our own twist on it.

A Copyright Quickie: Canada Is About To Pass Sopa’s Evil Little Brother. Politely. « Dear They

I am still reading it, thought I share it with the Canadian warriors here. It will become a law in a couple of weeks time I think.

Happy reading

#canada #congratulations #joined #party
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Unfortunately our government here has a habit of taking any stupid idea (usually ONLY the stupid ones) from our neighbors to the south and adapting it as their own, so this doesn't surprise me.

    Thanks for the share, I'd like to encourage Canadian Warriors to go to this site and send a letter to their MP to protest Bill C-11

    Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights » Choose Your Language / Choisissez votre langue

    At least Wikipedia won't go dark over this - I still get nightmares about my day without them!

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  • Profile picture of the author THK
    Yes Bill, I am not really surprised either. In fact in one of those SOPA threads I mentioned that I am expecting the Canadian Govt. to follow suit, but I didn't expect it to happen so quick.

    Like most people here, I am not into piracy or stealing, but some parts of that bill is so over the top that it is unreal. For example, I think I read about some regulations on legally bought DVDs and what can or cannot be done with those. Some of it looks quite extreme.

    Well, as I don't expect much protest from Canadians, we can certainly expect to see it as a law.

    But I won't shy away from sending them a letter, whether it makes any difference or not. Thanks for that link Bill.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryannull
    I knew it was a matter of time before others would follow.

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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    I really felt bad for Canadians out there, because those dirtbags are being "infected' by the one called SOPA to revise their own bill. It really sucks. We say that 2012 is the end of the world?'s the end of the internet...and we should stop this mess right now.
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