You Don't Have A Sales Problem ... You Have An Adaptation Problem!

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What most people are calling a sales slump, market downturn or recession is not that at all. What they have is a refusal or inability to adapt. Adaptation is one of the most underated skills in fast changing environments.

One of the strongest survival skills anyone can have is the ability to adapt. It separates the survivors from the thrivers in tough times.

I call it the great equalizer. Size doesn't matter when it comes to adaptation. Maybe that's why the Dinosaur is extinct and the coachroach is still here. One had the ability to adapt and the other didn't.

It's sad they don't teach this skill in public schools, it's the one thing most rags to riches stories contain that most people miss. And most people born with silver spoons who sqaunder or blow opportunities can trace this as one reason for the downfall.

Here's 3 simple survival tips to help you be more adaptable in the midst of constant change.

1. Be Open-Minded.
An open mind allows fresh ideas to enter and help you with your plans and goals. Answers, ideas and solutions come quicker to an open mind. That's why it's such a powerful weapon to being adaptable.

A poet once said, " An open mind is an opportunistic mind." For example, it helps you see opportunities others miss, discount or neglect.

2. Be Open to Making Mid-Course Corrections.
The next tip to being more adaptable is a willingness to make mid-course corrections. You have to be like a guided missile.

To hit the target a guided missile must sometimes make dozens of adjustments on it's way, based on changing conditions. For example, wind, speed or the moves the target makes.

So, the same goes for you. You'll have to be open and ready to make mid-course corrections based on any changing circumstances you may face.

3. Avoid Rut Thinking.
One of the easiest habits to fall into is rut thinking. Who can blame you? After all it's always comfortable, inviting and familiar. But like anything comfortable, inviting or familiar, too much of it can spell danger or even disaster.

That goes double when it comes to rut thinking. Why? Because it can blind you to opportunities and potential for growth.
For example:
  • Rut thinking caused experts to tell Thomas Edison he was wasting time trying to invent the light bulb.
  • Rut thinking caused experts to laugh at Steve Jobs when he first introduced his concept for iTunes.
  • Rut thinking caused many to ridicule Dr. Martin Luther King for his attempts at non-violent social change.
Now can you see how shallow and short sighted rut thinking can make you, if you're not careful?
By following these simple tips, you'll find it easier to adapt to change while others complain. To your success!
#adaptation #problem #sales

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