Why Did You Fail To Reach Your Goals?

by frankm
33 replies
Hi all

If you're like me you've set a financial goal but failed to reach it... in my case it was because I focused too much on trying to become a guru. I tried to become successful by buying as many expensive information products as I could and formulating my own theories of success.

I hit $4-5k in a month but in my quest to create the perfect back end product I never controlled my spending and ended up deep in debt.

I'm curious about others who've failed to reach their goals...

Did you set revenue/profit goals of X amount of month and fail to reach them?

If so why do you think you didn't make it?

It's late here in Ireland and I'm off to bed... I hope for some interesting discussion to wake up to!


EDIT: There have been great answers so far, and I'd like them all listed here at the start of the thread...

So far we've mentioned:

Lack of control over spending
Buying too many products
Income dropping due to Google changes
Not putting in the hours / Pushing through the pain
Failure to keep organized / Too many spinning plates
Information overload
Loss of focus
Bright Shiny Object Syndrome
Being inconsistent
Being disheartened / Fear of Rejection
Over-serviced existing clients vs new higher paying ones
Under-priced my value
Not enough time invested in passive income channels
Not selling the 'monthly maintenance'
Bought new video game system!
Set my goals too high (eg Aim for the stars, hit the moon)
Lack of intense focus and desire
Follow a plan for a few weeks and give up because it's too hard
Lack of action / Lack of finishing
Not having multiple income streams
Wanting money too quickly
Don't show passion
Goals are too high
Scattered focus
Get rid of distractions
Nobody to share responsibility with for our projects
Focus Focus Focus
One project at a time
Not realizing I can't do it all
Unable to trust other people
Giving up
Not enough focus on creating value
Not enough immediate action

Very useful list, it just keeps getting better and better!

Please add anything we've missed

#fail #goals #reach
  • Profile picture of the author Ettienne
    Well, in November I was pulling in $11k from 2 keywords that ranked on page 1 of Google (bottom half), I was pushing for top 3 positions on Google by the end of December and BAM! Google dance! 1 Site dropped to the 4th page and the other to 7th.

    My income from those keywords dropped by 80% since most of it I got from organic traffic. I failed to hit my target :/

    Although, 1 site is back on the 1st page (only came back 4 days ago) and the other came back yesterday down to 3rd page so now the patience game begins, and I suuuuuck with that.

    But hey, 2012 IS gonna be a good year! Gotta stay positive, always!
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    • Profile picture of the author frankm
      Originally Posted by Ettienne View Post

      Well, in November I was pulling in $11k from 2 keywords that ranked on page 1 of Google (bottom half), I was pushing for top 3 positions on Google by the end of December and BAM! Google dance! 1 Site dropped to the 4th page and the other to 7th.

      My income from those keywords dropped by 80% since most of it I got from organic traffic. I failed to hit my target :/

      Although, 1 site is back on the 1st page (only came back 4 days ago) and the other came back yesterday down to 3rd page so now the patience game begins, and I suuuuuck with that.

      But hey, 2012 IS gonna be a good year! Gotta stay positive, always!
      I've been stung by relying on Google too... That's a good point, the more you rely on external factors the less consistent your income will be!

      And yes, 2012 IS gonna be great
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    More often than not it's not putting the hours in and pushing through the pain. Failing to manage myself well enough and keep organized enough. Sometimes it's from spinning too many plates and eventually they all fall.

    When things go bad, for me, that's usually the reason why.
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    • Profile picture of the author frankm
      Originally Posted by Big Al View Post

      More often than not it's not putting the hours in and pushing through the pain. Failing to manage myself well enough and keep organized enough. Sometimes it's from spinning too many plates and eventually they all fall.

      When things go bad, for me, that's usually the reason why.
      Haha yes... Again this is the same for me... Failing to manage myself... I'd say the same reasons will pop up consistently for people!
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  • Profile picture of the author simonrv
    I failed to reach my goals because of information overload and lose focus. This is obviously the most reason why most marketer fail. If you're the type of guy who started on their business but keeps buying ebooks about other business model, then you're like me

    When I started IM and choose Adsense, then after buying 10 micro niche sites, I go for Amazon affiliate and I didn't even touch the MNS. Then after creating some Amazon product review sites, I go for website rentals. I hired web designer and developer to create 5 local websites and it costs me around $1,200. Then after the websites are completed, I also didn't even look at it since I read another easy way to earn money online.

    And 6 months ago, I discover offline marketing and it catches my interests. Then I stop buying ebooks and focus on this business model. And now I'm successful on it and earning decent income.
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    • Profile picture of the author frankm
      Originally Posted by simonrv View Post

      I failed to reach my goals because of information overload and lose focus. This is obviously the most reason why most marketer fail. If you're the type of guy who started on their business but keeps buying ebooks about other business model, then you're like me

      When I started IM and choose Adsense, then after buying 10 micro niche sites, I go for Amazon affiliate and I didn't even touch the MNS. Then after creating some Amazon product review sites, I go for website rentals. I hired web designer and developer to create 5 local websites and it costs me around $1,200. Then after the websites are completed, I also didn't even look at it since I read another easy way to earn money online.

      And 6 months ago, I discover offline marketing and it catches my interests. Then I stop buying ebooks and focus on this business model. And now I'm successful on it and earning decent income.
      Yes, sounds like information overload, bright shiny object syndrome, and not focusing on one thing... Thanks, this is very useful to see the reasons in one place.
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      • Profile picture of the author frankm
        EDIT : (The list from the start of the thread was here)
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        • Profile picture of the author Robert Boduch
          Originally Posted by frankm View Post

          Lack of control over spending
          Buying too many products
          Income dropping due to Google changes
          Not putting in the hours / Pushing through the pain
          Failure to keep organized / Too many spinning plates
          Information overload
          Loss of focus
          Bright Shiny Object Syndrome
          Being inconsistent
          Being disheartened / Fear of Rejection

          Excellent thread, FrankM!

          I believe that it almost ALWAYS comes down to a lack of FOCUS and DESIRE.

          When you are 100% committed to your chosen outcome... and you have a BIG REASON WHY you're going for it... and you step forward CONSISTENTLY and CONFIDENTLY... you're well on your way. But then when life happens and obstacles appear, you've got to be able to be able to FOCUS your mind and energy AGAIN on the big prize at the finish line. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, smile at life and get back on the horse. Easier said than done - but it really boils down to FOCUSING in a single direction and advancing however slow the road until you get there.

          If you're really FOCUSED on getting RESULTS, you've got to do the work and NOT keep looking for greener pastures elsewhere.

          With intense FOCUS and DESIRE:
          • Your spending will be contained to your avenue of interest
          • You WILL put in the hours because you know you must
          • You WILL push through the pain because it's part of the journey of anything worthwhile
          • You WILL be more organized because most of your ACTIONS will be directed towards you GOAL
          • You WON'T be distracted (at least not to the same degree) by bright shiny objects - unless they're directly related to your chosen direction
          • You WON'T suffer from information because you'll realize that it's not LEARNING but TAKING ACTION on what you learn that matters most
          • You WON'T be inconsistent because achieving that OUTCOME becomes a dominant thought in your mind
          You might be temporarily disheartened by the apparent lack of progress -- but the act of getting focused again when you fall off the rails puts you back in line and in reach of the target.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Coxill
    Being inconsistent was probably my first failure, I was doing really well with a website, began building a list in the blues guitar genre, and then a few people decided to quarrel with one another about the content in my eBook I was giving away at the time, this disheartened me, and kind of scared me. So I ran away from it, and all I really needed to do was carry on building my list and right now, if I had done so, I'd most probably have a decent list in that niche.

    But you live and learn, I'm actually very glad I made this mistake so that I could learn from it and now avoid it, if people want to argue over my content these days, I look at myself to see if I've done something wrong, and try to correct it. People get so close to the finish line online, but at the last minute they give up.

    Stay focused, determined, and be open minded.

    Thanks, great thread frankm!

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    • Profile picture of the author frankm
      Originally Posted by Jack321 View Post

      Being inconsistent was probably my first failure, I was doing really well with a website, began building a list in the blues guitar genre, and then a few people decided to quarrel with one another about the content in my eBook I was giving away at the time, this disheartened me, and kind of scared me. So I ran away from it, and all I really needed to do was carry on building my list and right now, if I had done so, I'd most probably have a decent list in that niche.

      But you live and learn, I'm actually very glad I made this mistake so that I could learn from it and now avoid it, if people want to argue over my content these days, I look at myself to see if I've done something wrong, and try to correct it. People get so close to the finish line online, but at the last minute they give up.

      Stay focused, determined, and be open minded.

      Thanks, great thread frankm!

      Thanks Jack!

      I've added:

      Being inconsistent
      Being disheartened / Fear of Rejection

      to the list above

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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    See this is a valuable thread.

    I would have to say personally that I over serviced clients when I first started when I could have used that same time to get newer higher paying clients. This is actually significant because it does not only involve time but also energy. In other words, some clients can drain you.

    The other reason on that same line is I under priced my value when starting and did not ramp up that price as fast as I should have. We are in a VERY economically depressed area, but I should not have used that as an excuse to undervalue myself (at least not forever).

    Regarding shiny object syndrome, I learned a very valuable lesson this year actually and that is the most valuable piece of information (in terms of dollars it produced with action) was totally FREE and still works to this day yet the half dozen WSO's I bought are all out-of-date or no longer get the results they were originally intended to do.

    Lastly, my income is 1/2 online (passive) and 1/2 offline local business. Looking back on it, I should have invested more time into building the passive channels that were working more and more to increase the passive side and reduce the "hard work, high maintenance clients" side. That's my goal this year tho and is so far working as January's passive income has once again topped records. It's REALLY nice to have a money machine (even though my family STILL does not get how I can make money doing VERY little work).

    EDIT: Actually thought of the biggest reason just now...not being able to sell the monthly maintenance has caused a HUGE slump in income. Am remedying that now with new business model I will not deviate from.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author Halcyon
    I bought a new video game system.

    I wish I could give a more profound reason but the honest reason I didn't hit my goals last month was because I was too busy playing Darksiders and not focusing on my business.

    I did well in December so I decided to treat myself to my own system, one that I don't allow my kids to touch. (I've been an avid gamer since Atari )

    The downside of uninterrupted access to this system is that for most of January I was in front of it. A few days ago I was reviewing my numbers and realized that my earnings were down by 35%-42%.
    The only difference?
    The PS3.
    Sure some of it could simply be the post holiday slow down, but not that much.

    I've already made the corrections so this month will be better. But I'd forgotten how easy it is to get distracted and how important it is not to be.

    Distractions can claim the best of us.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jlaw7070
    I think I never hit my goals because I set the too high. I stick with the theory that in order to hit big you need to aim high. Perhaps I am aiming too hig, but at least if I get halfway there then I make a lot of money!
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  • Profile picture of the author frankm
    Great! Thanks guys!

    Have added the following items to the list:

    Over-serviced existing clients vs new higher paying ones
    Under-priced my value
    Not enough time invested in passive income channels
    Not selling the 'monthly maintenance'
    Bought new video game system!
    Set my goals too high (eg Aim for the stars, hit the moon)
    Lack of intense focus and desire

    Great thread

    Thanks everyone!

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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Changing of plans.

    That's what I do often. I follow a make money plan for a weeks then I find this is too hard for me and not working, so I change to another money making plans, another week later, I feel tired of this plan because I need to do too much work, then I search for another plan.
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    • Profile picture of the author frankm
      Originally Posted by Tenzho View Post

      I follow a make money plan for a weeks then I find this is too hard for me and not working
      Thanks Tenzho, I've added that to the list...

      I think you've hit on something very important there... it's like we take on someone else's goals and dreams just because it worked for them. But that won't mean it resonates with us, suits our skills, our strengths etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
      Originally Posted by Tenzho View Post

      Changing of plans.That's what I do often. I follow a make money plan for a weeks then I find this is too hard for me and not working, so I change to another money making plans, another week later, I feel tired of this plan because I need to do too much work, then I search for another plan.
      This one is actually significant for beginner marketers. It is the one that jumped my income up massively...focusing on what works once it works, no matter what it was.

      In other words, its good to play the field a bit till you are pretty sure you found the one, then marry it!
      I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Biggest thing I see is people not following through, finishing projects and getting them up and running. I am guilty of it myself. Can't make money with when you don't have anything up for sale. So,

    Lack of action/Lack of finishing.

    I also think another is not having multiple income streams. As others mentioned, you can lose ranks and your money, for example. With multiple streams, you won't lose everything. I've learned that one the hard way too many times.
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  • Profile picture of the author ishuvonet
    I am in this field for years and what I have found behind the failure is we want money quickly and don't show passion.Another issue is we dont have a good plan.
    Shuvo Shahid
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  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    Because my goals are too high.
    Time of thinking is over.
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  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    I tried to focus on too many things at once, and so never followed through properly on anything (such as backlinking) as I was always too busy. I also have quite a few sites floating around in cyberspace, sadly neglected!

    I have learned to focus on just one thing and concentrate my efforts on getting that working.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    sometime I can easily losing focus... lol.. I have to put priority to make my tasks done a lot faster without less distraction..

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  • Profile picture of the author Switzerland
    Great Post. Quite hard to keep yourself motivated in IM, there's no deadline to meet and we have to take COMPLETE responsibility for our projects.
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  • Profile picture of the author frankm
    Thanks all, great stuff being shared here! I'm on my phone so will update the list later when I'm home.

    Keep it coming

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  • Profile picture of the author frankm
    Ok, wow, the list is updated... thanks everyone, this thread has been very useful!
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  • Profile picture of the author MrMaxx357
    Failing to realize that I can't do it all!!! I'm haunted by experiences where people have dropped the ball when I was counting on getting something done, so its made me take on too much too often, but I'm working on the whole "trust" issue....
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Here's one I haven't seen yet...

      Too much focus on the goal. Not enough on creating value for customers.

      You may have seen those thermometer-style graphs some organizations use to measure progress of a fundraising project, where each increment colored in brings them closer to their goal.

      Now imagine being obsessed with checking stats and coloring in the graph, to the detriment of doing that which generated the results in the first place.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashtree
    The only true failure is giving up. Everything else is just finding ways that didn't work.
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  • Profile picture of the author lucidsuccess
    remember put immediate action to see results. not waiting for results
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  • Profile picture of the author frankm

    Added to the list:

    Not realizing I can't do it all
    Unable to trust other people
    Giving up
    Not enough focus on creating value
    Not enough immediate action

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  • Profile picture of the author Rakingitnow
    I too suffer from the next top WSO and being inundated on which one to focus on.
    So far I am focusing on two and everything else I am leaving.
    It is all about focused actional passion for me from now on.
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  • Profile picture of the author itsjordan

    My first big failure came in those struggling early days. Myself and my former partner made a product and a duo of major affiliates (if you know your Clickbank affiliates, they're up there) loved it and were set to give it a big launch.

    The opportunity we were offered was massive but said affiliates loved the passion and heart we put into it so much they asked for us to expand it significantly. We were young so we just said yes yes yes to everything and eventually our task size grew so big we were working 80-100 hours a week each and still missing deadlines. We were doing the workload of 10 people and sleeping in regimented shifts.

    We created a $600 upsell that was a 16 week video series, each episode/week video was around 8,000 to 10,000 words and we wrote the entire thing (roughly 120,000 words) in around 10 days.

    As we got closer and closer to the deadline, we pushed it back and back until we were taking the piss. But in our young naivity (we were 20 at the time) we said "Next time we'll be on time" rather than being frank and expressing the workload was too big. We figured if we missed this opportunity there'd never be another one. As time ticked away and we missed more deadlines we started stealing content as we didn't humanly have time to get through the word count that was needed of us. Huge chunks of it. You've heard of swipe and retype right? Well this was swipe and.... swipe again

    Eventually we had a higgle-de-piggeldy product (that was still absolutely outstanding) that was the end result of months of neglecting family time, personal time, relationships, friendships.

    We sent it to them and they ran it through copyscape and saw we had stolen huge chunks of content and they were gutted.

    We spent a month cleaning it up and tidying things up and gave it to them and they're going to give us 2.5% each or something. They're going to launch it later this year.

    This was my first big failure. In ways I'm glad. The months of only seeing my girlfriend for a few hours a week and going nearly 3 months without seeing my Mother really depressed me. It wasn't like the money or the status that pushed us, it was just fear of losing something we'd put heart into. So we knocked our values, stole content and it effed us which in ways was much worse.

    Now, things are much better. I'm a lot happier and doing things I really want to do. I think it's important to pace yourself and do things properly instead of quickly.

    "Fail, fail and fail again"
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I have not succeeded at my goals simply because I have not found the right strategy... yet.
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