Help with Opt-in Box & GetResponse

by Joel
1 replies
When you have an opt-in template, eg one of those fancy ones supplied with graphic packages, how do you insert code from GetResponse into the template?

I know you have to cut specific parts of the code snippet but would appreciate confirmation on where to start the cut and where to end it and where to put it?

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

#box #getresponse #optin
  • Profile picture of the author Micheal Perkins

    It's been a while, but I had an account at GetResponse and used it for a free optin report.

    I have included 3 attachments for you:

    First is the get response.txt file. This has the code from GetResponse form that you need to find. It might not be the same, but should be very close. (If you can't read a text document let me know and I will submit this as a word document.) So find the code that looks like that and paste that into your page.

    Next is the box.txt file. This has the code I used to place the GetResponse form inside a box on my site. I did not test it, but I have read in several places that a dashed border in red gets the most subscribers. You'll see the code from my GetResponse form in there.

    Simply remove my code and put yours in. Then make whatever changes you want to the text. You will also need to remove the image code for the image in the lower right hand corner of box. Also you should remove the timer count down box as well. That did not count down for me if I recall.

    As far as where to put everything, just select where you want it in your page.

    Hope this helps.

    To your success,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[494973].message }}

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