5 replies
As someone who is relatively new to Internet Marketing, can someone tell me what a 'Safelist' is. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author aaaa33030
    A safelist is a mailing list where all members can mail to each other. These emails cannot be considered as spam because every member has opted in and comfirmed their email adress. A safelist can be used to advertise websites, business oppertunities and so forth.

    An example of a safelist is freesafelistmailer . com
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Henshaw
      This question has been asked many times.

      As suggested Google it, or search the forum. I have replied on the topic on more than one occasion.

      Basically there are two kinds of safelists (read also safe lists or safe-lists).

      One is the type that you either rent or purchase and then send your messages to that list. This is very risky as you could be accused of sending spam. There are reputable companies however, who will rent or allow (for a fee) you to send an email to their list(s). These are usually very expensive and you need to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable company before using them.

      The other type of safelist is where you agree to receive emails from other members of that safelist in return for sending them your emails. Using this type of list, you can never be accused of spamming.
      Opinion is divided on how successful these safelists are. They are however, usually filled with people interested in IM; so if you are in that niche, have a very good headline and a short attention grabbing pitch - you might be able to use them effectively.

      Just my thoughts,
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  • Profile picture of the author thekaver
    members email each other with there offers!

    you never convert from them and in my opinion they a waste of time! you just end up getting bombarded with hundreds of crap emails yourself! lol


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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by thekaver View Post

      you never convert from them and in my opinion they a waste of time!
      That's normally the view of people who've been trying to sell to them directly (rather than opting them in) and/or trying to attract them to offers which are not specifically targeted at safelist traffic.

      If what you're selling/promoting isn't specifically targeted at safelist traffic, then you're not going to be too successful with them. Confucius he say ...

      In every thread here in which safelist traffic is ever mentioned, there are people saying "waste of time" and "not targeted".

      There are also Warriors here earning five figures per month, regularly and reliably, from safelist traffic. They opt them in, and promote things which are specific to safelist traffic. I'm just saying ... it's true that some things in internet marketing are strongly counter-intuitive, but others are pretty simple and obvious, if you don't try to use things for purposes they were never designed for.
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