Crappy articles bring traffic, should I rewrite them?

9 replies
I have a blog with over 200 auto generated articles, not sure where they came from my guess is probably some wordpress article creator. They read really bad (even worse than my writing ), but they bring some decent traffic and a few click on my ads.

I started updating the blog with unique human written content and was wondering what I should do about the other articles?

Should I rewrite them or just leave them, will rewriting effect SEO ?

Anyway I doubt these even legal, and the images along with these also can be copyrighted.

Any tips would greatly be appreciated! Thanks
#articles #bring #crappy #rewrite #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    I guess it depends on your goals for your site. Personally, I would rewrite them and I wouldn't worry too much about the traffic. It's possible you may get less traffic, but then it's also possible you may get more. What I think should be a consequence though, is a lower bounce rate.

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  • Profile picture of the author hotwebwords
    Just because they are bringing in traffic doesn't mean they are bringing in quality traffic, traffic that converts, or that your crappy articles are satisfying visitors.

    You definitely need rewrite those articles in the nuclear sense, i.e., erase them and write something actually worthwhile on the topic.

    It would probably help to hire someone that is good at article rewriting since you have such a large number and you said your own writing was crappy.

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  • Profile picture of the author A.Green
    You might want to check your stats to see which keyword phrases the articles are bringing traffic for then make sure to leave those phrases in (in similar places in the article and with the same KW density) when you rewrite. Could also try rewriting just half of them and see how that goes. I'd change the images, though, given that they probably are copyrighted.
    Signature specializing in health and home improvement.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjbmeb14
    I would keep adding good quality articles and then slowly start to delete the other articles, not deleting all at once.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr.Otto
      Thanks for the tips warriors, I guess I will have to fork out some cash for rewriting all of them.

      The articles have good keywords and phrases that rank quite good in google, so the titles and subjects aren't bad I guess. The content is relevant in the specific category and blog, so the writer would only need to rewrite the sentences, information and improve the grammar and wording ect.

      Does anyone know of a good and affordable rewriter ? Its about 200+ articles (+-300 words) that needs quick rewriting.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    OK, this is my experience. I had an article written in the 90's that was poor. Google loves old stuff that reeks of age. Then all I did was FIX one "miz-pellin" - left in the poor grammar. POW! Google shot me down to position seven. I use to be on position one. That gets the lions share of the traffic I tell you. Then I put the "miz-pellin" back in. It was a moment of total panic. INSTANTLY I pop back up. Well, it was to position two, and after a few months I was on position one again. Hope this helps you.
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  • Profile picture of the author gearmonkey
    Re-writing them "could" change them in serps, especially if you increase/ decrease the keywords. Things like bold, h1, h2, h4 tags etc will also cause them to change in serps.

    If they are making you money, I'd just leave them alone and create new articles on a new page and start building links to the new pages. After those rank, 301 the low quality pages to the high quality pages.

    That's what I would do.

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  • Profile picture of the author David Jackson
    Originally Posted by Mr.Otto View Post

    I have a blog with over 200 auto generated articles. They read really bad (even worse than my writing ), but they bring some decent traffic and a few click on my ads.
    I'm surprised not a single member has asked this one simple question: Why would you want to be associated with crappy content - especially in today's search climate? In case you haven't heard, Google has been penalizing sites with crappy content. Sites like yours aren't part of the solution, they're part of the problem.

    And if Google hasn't nailed you yet, it's only a matter of time before they do.

    David Jackson

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    • Profile picture of the author Mr.Otto
      Thanks for your inputs, maybe I will keep them there for now and just keep adding better UNIQUE articles. I hope Google likes them more , then I will start discarding some of the crappy ones.

      Anyone know where these images come from in article spinners or generators like wp-robot ect? Not to sure how auto-blogging article get generated. I can find many of the same pictures on other blogs so seems they quite widely used.

      Anyway thanks for the tips!
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