Wanna a free article for your website or blog?

12 replies
I'm getting ready to do some article promotion for several of my sites. I will write a 400 word article that you can post at your website or blog. The article will be unique and original. I would ask that my name be included in the article and a link to my site/blog. Your link with a 3 word text link will be included in the article's bio box. The article will be distributed through a paid article distribution service.

Topics include:

weight loss
IM, making money on the Internet
credit cards, personal finance, debt consolidation, foreclosure etc.
cooking or recipes

Post in this thread what topic you would like and PM me the 3 word text link and url you would like. When my schedule is full I'll let you all know.


PS I'm a professional writer so the articles will be of good quality.

That article will be
#article #blog #free #wanna #website

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