13 replies
Hi guys,

Have been working in SEO for a year now and feel its time to make some extra money!

Is there a guide for how to start affiliate sites?

Or can anyone recommend any good UK based affiliate schemes to use?


  • Profile picture of the author adamreilly1997
    I think problogger.net can help you out a bit
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    • Profile picture of the author s1ngular1ty
      Hey why not check out my WSO? (see my sig below) It's really good for newbies wanting a solid, repetable and scalable method. Should get you collecting checks in no time.
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      • Profile picture of the author simplybeastz
        Originally Posted by s1ngular1ty View Post

        Hey why not check out my WSO? (see my sig below) It's really good for newbies wanting a solid, repetable and scalable method. Should get you collecting checks in no time.
        NO. Please don't self promote. The Internet has all the knowledge you want, don't buy some ****ty WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author quicklynx
    This is the dumbed down version:

    1. Pick your niche market (weight loss, cat training, dating).
    2. Generate a list of 10 keywords from the google keyword tool people search for.
    3. Turn your list of keywords into 10 different article titles.

    Now get quality content written up with SEO in mind. Publish to website or blog with each article as a separate page on your site. Don't under-estimate the power of quality content. Hope this help.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxedwin55
    oh! I'm thinking of it too!
    thanks for the information guys.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anna Kowalski
      One thing I would suggest from my own experience, don't keep buying stuff!

      There are hundreds (if not more) ways to "make money online". However, once you've created your own business model, stick with it. It could be SEO, or Facebook, or PPC or whatever.

      One of the biggest obstacles (at least for me) has always been the "shiny new object" syndrome. This is where you are half way through building your sales funnel, when you discover a new method (or 'scheme' in the U.K.) that seems to promise you phenomenal success.

      So, you (or I) abandon what is half-finished to go pursue this new S.N.O. only to realize there is a new S.N.O. waiting to be discovered half-way through the original S.N.O! And so on and so forth.....

      If you spend any money at all, make sure it is on tools that help make you more efficient. Don't spend money on "how-to" courses. There are more of them than any of us have the money to purchase. Limit spending to purchasing tools ONLY (like software, scripts, PLR, etc.)

      I hope this makes sense. I only speak from my own experience. I've spent way too much "educating" myself.

      Also, there are tons of great threads here at the Warrior Forum that you can learn from without buying ANY courses or WSO's.

      I hope it goes GREAT for you
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  • Profile picture of the author FL OW
    hi stoneyj,

    there´s lot of quality content to find if you are doing your research well and patiently. you should check the blogs of successful IM´s and go through their content. I know there is lots of bullxxxx out there as well.
    just google top 10 internet marketer, follow their blogs and read all the quality info here in the warrior forum.


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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    We can teach you how to make affiliate sites Stoneyj. If you would like to chat add me on skype.

    Good luck either way.
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  • Profile picture of the author louie6925
    Explore the war room, get a good review theme/template and use your seo knowledge to rank your site! finding good affiliate programmes is the easy bit once you know your niche!!
    Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author stoneyj
    Thanks guys looks good so far. Think I've found a niche with lots of search and low competition!

    Can you recommend any good sites to get articles written? Writing long articles seems to be my weak point!!

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  • Profile picture of the author stoneyj
    Looks good thanks.

    Is amazon a good affiliate to get into?
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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    It's the same with everything. If you do it correctly you can make good money.

    We have a step by step course called "Amazon Associates Elite" which you might like if you want to look into Amazon.
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