Do you guys know how to do this...with your list!!!

13 replies
Hey guys,

We got a question from a customer and it made us scratch our heads my partner and I...what the customer wanted to know was:

How to reactivate your customer list if you haven't mailed to them in over a year?

We had a hard time figuring this one out, what we came up with was offer them something for free and follow up with them after that.

How would you guys do this...

#guys #list #thiswith
  • Profile picture of the author philhunter
    I agree you would have to offer them something free and worthwhile otherwise they are going to be hitting that spam button pretty fast.

    Ease them in gently before trying to sell them anything
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    yeah that is something we thought about too either offer then free training based on the product they bought either through a teleseminar or webinar...
    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Wessman
    Yeah definitely don't jump straight in with a sales pitch.

    Start with a nice email reminding your list who you are and why they are receiving emails from you. Remind them of the benefits of being on your list and perhaps let them know that they are free to unsubscribe if they're not interested. If you can come up with a good reason as to why you haven't emailed them in so long then hit them with that too.

    Giving them a freebie is a great idea and will be sure to buy you some goodwill.

    I'd then send a few more emails after this with nothing but useful content before finally getting back to promoting stuff to your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    Jay that is some excellent advise buddy, I like the part where giving reason why they haven't been contacted for so long...
    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    The list is probably stale and people don't know who you are or why did they sign up
    in the first place, but here's what you can do:

    Set up a completely new campaign, with a new squeeze page, new free gift and new
    autoresponder list. Send an email to your list with a link to your new squeeze page
    asking people to go and get this cool freebie. That way you'll get active people who
    are interested in what you have to offer on your new list.

    You can send this mail few times (I suggest three), but every other time only to the
    people on your list who didn't open the previous mail, so not to bother people with
    same mail over and over again.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
      That's a tough one considering the length of time that's
      passed since the last contact.

      However, you are where you are.

      Check to see how many other lists are attached to the
      client's autoresponder account (you don't want their
      entire account to get nuked if your actions result in
      excessive spam complaints).

      Look at using the data about the customer to jog their
      memory on who your client is, what they most recently
      purchased, etc.

      So, in the very first sentence of the e-mail, use the mail
      merge feature to insert the most recent product they
      purchased and when.

      E.g. "Back in [date] you purchased [product name] from
      me [client name] to help you to..."

      Then give a reason why the client hasn't been in contact.

      E.g. "You may have noticed that I've not been in touch
      with you for over a year and the reason for that is..."

      Also, give a reason why they're re-establishing contact

      E.g. "I decided to get back in contact with you because..."

      Include a relevant freebie of some form by way of apology
      for not being in contact for so long.

      I'd consider using the product name in the subject line
      and also include an unsubscribe link at the top of the
      outgoing message to minimize the number of potential
      spam complaints.

      The above approach is not without risks and if it were
      my own client, I'd have to know more about their specific
      situation before even recommending that they re-establish
      contact after such a long gap.

      Dedicated to mutual success,



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      • Profile picture of the author Adrian Int
        Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

        That's a tough one considering the length of time that's
        passed since the last contact.

        However, you are where you are.

        Check to see how many other lists are attached to the
        client's autoresponder account (you don't want their
        entire account to get nuked if your actions result in
        excessive spam complaints).

        Look at using the data about the customer to jog their
        memory on who your client is, what they most recently
        purchased, etc.

        So, in the very first sentence of the e-mail, use the mail
        merge feature to insert the most recent product they
        purchased and when.

        E.g. "Back in [date] you purchased [product name] from
        me [client name] to help you to..."

        Then give a reason why the client hasn't been in contact.

        E.g. "You may have noticed that I've not been in touch
        with you for over a year and the reason for that is..."

        Also, give a reason why they're re-establishing contact

        E.g. "I decided to get back in contact with you because..."

        Include a relevant freebie of some form by way of apology
        for not being in contact for so long.

        I'd consider using the product name in the subject line
        and also include an unsubscribe link at the top of the
        outgoing message to minimize the number of potential
        spam complaints.

        The above approach is not without risks and if it were
        my own client, I'd have to know more about their specific
        situation before even recommending that they re-establish
        contact after such a long gap.

        Dedicated to mutual success,

        Shaun knows his stuff and it's always clear in his posts. This one is no different. Be sure to listen to him.

        When he beats you to a post, he's a hard act to follow.. haha.

        ATTENTION: Improve your list building. Free report and mp3
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  • Profile picture of the author michleadwing
    i think you should start with a new email by clearing him of your identity and your cause of emailing him.And show him how benefits they can get by it.
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    A most excellent reply Shaun, that cleared up some things I was thinking also but making an apologize is a must an reasons why for staying away and why now. Good examples in your post.
    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Send them a funny reactivation letter by mail. John Carlton has a good one that you should take a look at. I believe it's still free on his website.
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    • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Send them a funny reactivation letter by mail. John Carlton has a good one that you should take a look at. I believe it's still free on his website.
      Randell I've been checking that out but so far haven't seen
      this letter by Charlton if you have a like to where it is that
      would be greatly appreciated.
      JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6042795].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    I would make sure to put who you are and how they got subsscribed to the list as well as context of the list they are one RIGHT UP FRONT as THE first thing they see.

    I would steer clear of that first contact being a sale message but depends on what it is.

    Have seen recently many old lists start up again and start off with sales ads and continued on just promoting things in each subsequent mailing. Some actually prevent you from unsubscribing and one actually unsubscribes you then adds you to another list so even though you unsubed you still get the damn, at this point, spam.

    Depends on the list David, what was it for and why did people subscribe. See if you can get info about the type and quality of mailings prior to that year+ off.

    I know one guy that only mails out once a year, actually look forward to that when it comes in. Like I said, depends on the list and what it was for.

    I disagree with the need to bribe people to stick to a list. If your content sucks or is a me too IM type of list then screw it, start over. There had to be a reason they subscribed. If it was just to get a free product then I don't know, doesn't seem to me to be any reason someone would stay on it unless it is to receive free products...

    When I run lists that are mine, I tend to have a pretty high retention rate without needing to bribe people. Though that is just me and the quality of content I provide/d I guess not everyone does that.

    - T
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    Hey Terry,

    That is solid advise, the key i believe is creating emotional message so the customers and the list owner can start building that bond again or renewing the bond, the message should convey empathy and actknoweledge ment that you are going to be there for them and the reasons why you and how much you are looking forward to helping and aiding them in their business or what ever it is you promise to help with.

    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
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