At last! Thank You Plimus!

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Here I am sitting on my relaxtion chair taking a quick chill-out moment before going to the latest American Pie movie. Suddenly my iPhone begins to vibrate, and I thought who would be so foolish to disturb me right in the middle of my chill-out moment..

Quickly grabbed my phone to see what's up, two new messages from PayPal stating that I am about to receive over 2000 bucks in commissions. Finally! I thought I lost that money! You see, plimus banned a product that I was an affiliate for in 2011. After the product got banned, my commissions were nowhere to be found!

It took me 5 months sending the same email to their support desk over and over again! What I am trying to say is this; Persistence is a winning perk.

That said, I am now going to freshen my self up and enjoy this new movie even more.

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