PLR on website marketing

by minion
6 replies
I've been searching for this for a couple of days now - I'm basically looking for a good PLR article on the importance of website marketing and optimisation, and how your website (and social media) can be used to increase your business.
I find that a lot of offline businesses aren't that worried about their website - it's basically an online business card. I plan to offer the article to a large number of businesses for free.

I may have to write it myself (which I hate doing, it takes me days to write a decent article), but thought I should ask here in case anyone knows of something i can use.
#marketing #plr #website
  • Profile picture of the author moreno
    Try to get some ebook about this topics ,you will find many for free , just google it, and then extract copy and paste and create your ebook -guide -pdf , a nice ecover will do and bang !By the way i'm interested to create software we could partner , i will send you a PM
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Try Tiffany Dow's PLR Minimart - Tiff has PLR on almost everything
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  • Profile picture of the author moreno
    Hi get free ebook on the topics ,copy and paste , create your pdf ebook , a nice cover and a great title and then go BANG !Just google it and you will find plenty of free article or books about this subject . I'm very interested in creating software and i'm sending you a PM.
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  • Profile picture of the author minion
    Great - thanks! Bookmarked that site

    moreno: Just replied to your PM
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts

    I am building a plr site at the moment :-) I reckon there is going to be something of use on there :-)

    Private Label Rights Articles - PLR Store - Best PLR - eBook PLR - Niche PLR - Quality PLR,

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  • Profile picture of the author Sharyn Sheldon
    If you get a free ebook and plan to use it, make sure it has PLR rights before you go doing anything.

    Here are a few great sites that sell PLR on your topic, among other things:

    Special Report Club - Melissa Ingold
    Internet Marketing PLR Content - Rhonda White and Laurie Neumann
    All Star PLR - Peggy Baron

    I also have some relevant PLR that I put up recently, including the one on mobile marketing (in my link below), a big pack on Offline marketing, and the free IM variety pack in my sig.

    Hope that helps!

    - Sharyn Sheldon

    [BRAND NEW PLR] Shoestring Budget Startup - Ready-to-Go, Customizable Course and Complete Sales Funnel

    FREE Content Planning Template easy way to make sure your content is working for you

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