4 Elements of List Building

34 replies
For those newbies out there. Here are my 4 elements of list building. Who would care to add to this list??

1. Traffic - the more, the better. I am talking about targeted and diverse (coming from different sources).

2. Lead Magnet - the freebie you are planning to offer. And the stakes are high these days; you'd better make it good.

3. Opt-in Form - eye-catching, to the point, and here's the tricky part: everywhere, but not intrusive.

3. Monetization - how are you planning on making money off your list. Your own product, services, affiliate products, etc.
#building #elements #list
  • Profile picture of the author Wilton White
    If there is anything else to add, I would add "relationship building". How you interact with your list will determine if you keep all of the new subscribers that you get, and it will also have an impact on how responsive your list will be.

    I'm referring to true interaction here, and not just a large autoresponder sequence. Get to know the people in your specific list/niche, and they will want to know more about (and buy more from) you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gianni
      Originally Posted by Wilton White View Post

      If there is anything else to add, I would add "relationship building". How you interact with your list will determine if you keep all of the new subscribers that you get, and it will also have an impact on how responsive your list will be.

      I'm referring to true interaction here, and not just a large autoresponder sequence. Get to know the people in your specific list/niche, and they will want to know more about (and buy more from) you.

      I think you are right.

      The key to succeed in this business is to develop a good relationship with your suscribers first, nurture that relationship with them. I might take some time a few weeks, months, to develop the trust between you and your list but, at the end it is worth it because when you spend time taking care of your list they are more likely to buy from you. After all people buy from people they already know and trust in the first place.

      Another thing to take into consideration when you are nurturing a relationship with your list, is to overdeliver value as much as possible.
      You want them to see you as the go to guy in your specific niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author timb98133
    That's a good one Wilton. I forget that. You're right. Building trust is also extremely important.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by timb98133 View Post

    everywhere, but not intrusive
    Nicely put - good description.

    Originally Posted by timb98133 View Post

    Who would care to add to this list??
    My "elements" are in this post, if they help anyone: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post6123982
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  • Profile picture of the author folkcare
    Well said - and I think a vital part of doing IM. Don't leave it like I did, it's well worth starting early.
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  • Profile picture of the author Velant
    5. Having website with great original content - no one will join a list of low quality mundane resource, and those who join - will unsubscribe.
    6. Offering >=80% Free valuable content in your follow-ups, and only promoting highly targeted top-quality products.
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  • Profile picture of the author ToddRestrepo
    The most important element of all is to START building your list as soon as possible because it's getting tougher everyday to count on free traffic from Google and SEO.

    Treat your list like it's your baby as it's the one thing Google cannot take from you.

    I have always tried to impress upon my students just how important it is to begin building their list immediately.

    I work with people who have been online for 2 or 3 years and it amazes me that in all that time they still haven't built a list of subscribers. We've all heard it 100s of times "the money is in the list" and that will never change.

    Listen up Newbies!

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  • Profile picture of the author msvasu
    The SEO is geeting tougher each day and the list will a wild card.As a newbie i am having a tough time with it. I have heard advise from senior internet marketer the important on building the list. But to maintain the list, a bit of attention on each group is essential. By engaging and nurture the list ,mostly they will stay with us.
    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author modex
    The most imp element IMO is building relationship and actually talking to people on your list by sending personalised emails, asking questions, offering to help for free, etc. And even rewarding them with special deals, freebies. Help a LOT in the long run!
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  • Profile picture of the author timb98133
    Wow - great comments everyone. Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author oniram
    I have tried many different methods and found the best one is not to make your readers jumps thru hoops just to subscribe. Like using captcha and requesting phone numbers and location info. I only ask for first name and email and some of my sites only ask for email address. I've stopped using sign up to receive my free report as most of the ones who sign up give bogus email address.
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  • Profile picture of the author playthetones123
    Originally Posted by timb98133 View Post

    For those newbies out there. Here are my 4 elements of list building. Who would care to add to this list??

    1. Traffic - the more, the better. I am talking about targeted and diverse (coming from different sources).

    2. Lead Magnet - the freebie you are planning to offer. And the stakes are high these days; you'd better make it good.

    3. Opt-in Form - eye-catching, to the point, and here's the tricky part: everywhere, but not intrusive.

    3. Monetization - how are you planning on making money off your list. Your own product, services, affiliate products, etc.
    It's not necessary to sell to your list - you can use your list to drive traffic to your site and collect revenue from adsense or a similar type of advertising program. Without a list you're not protecting your downside - a mistake few entrepreneurs would seek to avoid.
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    • Profile picture of the author timb98133
      Originally Posted by playthetones123 View Post

      It's not necessary to sell to your list - you can use your list to drive traffic to your site and collect revenue from adsense or a similar type of advertising program. Without a list you're not protecting your downside - a mistake few entrepreneurs would seek to avoid.
      This is so true.... they're are so many great things about having your own list. I love the idea of using it to drive traffic to your own site. Thanks for the tip!
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  • Profile picture of the author Stripe
    Traffic & Conversions
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    • Profile picture of the author kmg
      A list is of little value unless it is responsive and that only comes through building trust and true relationships.
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    • Profile picture of the author DGFletcher
      I know that's my opinion too. I bought a grand total of one thing off of all the lists ever sent to me, regretted it, and have never bought anything else, before or after.

      The concept of 'it's a tired method' is probably the most true statement I've heard about it lately.

      Finding something less exhausted would be useful.

      Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

      The ways you build a list haven't really changed all that much in 10 years.

      You stick an optin form on your website, blog or Facebook page. You offer a ' free' something in return for the visitor email address.

      That pretty much sums it up!

      The problem is, that isn't enough these day's.

      Optins are harder than ever to get, because that whole strategy is just so tired.

      Plus, the average visitor to your site is more net savvy, more educated, and.... more skeptical than ever before. so if all you're using is an optin form on a web page to try to build yourself a list, then you're missing out on so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author madhushan
    Yep... That pretty much explains everything you need to know about list building. I am new to email marketing... So, this is a good piece of knowledge for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author multiplecloud
    Key success is lead magnet! if you can get relevant targeted lead customer

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Others have touched on it, but I'll flat out say it...

      The biggest element missing in the original list, and one I would put in the #1 slot, is planning.

      Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish with the list, how you plan to make money with it, what you want to offer. Otherwise, you end up starting one of those "why won't my list do anything I ask them to do" threads.

      As for list-building being a 'tired' method...

      What have you been smoking?

      Yes, the days of putting up a 'join my newsletter' opt-in and watching your list grow ended when having your machine chirp "you've got mail" lost its novelty.

      So what?

      There's a good reason that businesses ranging from one-man shops to multinational corporations are all working to build lists. Do it right, and it's a license to mint money - money your list members are happy and eager to hand over because they think you are getting the short end of the deal.

      Use tired methods to con people into looking at tired offers of dubious quality, and you may think the vein is played out.

      I was watching one of those hidden-camera restaurant rescue shows the other night. It was a steak house that didn't offer steak sauce from a bottle. A customer asked for A-1. The server actually left the restaurant and bought a bottle of A-1.

      Show that kind of care and concern for your list, and they'll gladly keep coming back - some will even tell their friends, especially if you make it easy.
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      • Profile picture of the author timb98133
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Others have touched on it, but I'll flat out say it...

        The biggest element missing in the original list, and one I would put in the #1 slot, is planning.

        Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish with the list, how you plan to make money with it, what you want to offer. Otherwise, you end up starting one of those "why won't my list do anything I ask them to do" threads.

        As for list-building being a 'tired' method...

        What have you been smoking?

        Yes, the days of putting up a 'join my newsletter' opt-in and watching your list grow ended when having your machine chirp "you've got mail" lost its novelty.

        So what?

        There's a good reason that businesses ranging from one-man shops to multinational corporations are all working to build lists. Do it right, and it's a license to mint money - money your list members are happy and eager to hand over because they think you are getting the short end of the deal.

        Use tired methods to con people into looking at tired offers of dubious quality, and you may think the vein is played out.

        I was watching one of those hidden-camera restaurant rescue shows the other night. It was a steak house that didn't offer steak sauce from a bottle. A customer asked for A-1. The server actually left the restaurant and bought a bottle of A-1.

        Show that kind of care and concern for your list, and they'll gladly keep coming back - some will even tell their friends, especially if you make it easy.
        Very well said... you're right. Planning should be at the top of this list.

        I also love you're A-1 story. Customer service and/or relationship building is so important in any business.

        Thanks for your post!
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  • Profile picture of the author MagLyn
    Good resource. Thanks. I guess for newbies, would have to start with list building first then drive traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author eman1
    Great post! By doing the things you listed along with posting fresh, relevant content is the key to long-term list building success.
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  • Profile picture of the author elexmedia
    1. Traffic - the more, the better. I am talking about targeted and diverse (coming from different sources).
    Quick Tips about getting traffic for list building...
    Use Solo Ads & Adswap to build the list. These are the best traffic to build list.

    By using Solo Ads you could build your list in short time. Because the traffic is targeted, the opt-in rate is high.

    And when you have a pretty huge list, you can combine it with Adswap, so the solo can be free of charge.
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  • Profile picture of the author MackSell
    Originally Posted by timb98133 View Post

    For those newbies out there. Here are my 4 elements of list building. Who would care to add to this list??

    1. Traffic - the more, the better. I am talking about targeted and diverse (coming from different sources).

    2. Lead Magnet - the freebie you are planning to offer. And the stakes are high these days; you'd better make it good.

    3. Opt-in Form - eye-catching, to the point, and here's the tricky part: everywhere, but not intrusive.

    3. Monetization - how are you planning on making money off your list. Your own product, services, affiliate products, etc.
    Nice share mate!
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

      I certainly didn't say that ' list building' itself was ' tired' ... Of course it's far from it

      I said the method of just using an optin form on a web page as the only method of list building is ' tired'
      In which case, all I can say is...

      "Spark it up and pass it over, dude!"
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  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    Very good post. It is correct that you should have an excellent lead magenet. I am having issues with that part too.
    But I am improving slowly and slowly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javier Lin
    I'd add, Building trust, relationship and interest through the follow up emails.

    Subscribers like the personal touch and to know that you're there to share.

    What comes before subscription is equally important. Set expectations for them so that they know what to expect when signing up with your list. This will assure them that they will be getting content that they want.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author timb98133
      Originally Posted by Javier Lin View Post

      Subscribers like the personal touch and to know that you're there to share.
      Yes, yes, yes... The personal touch goes a long way!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark72
    I'd like to add Spilt Testing (funnels, headlines, offers etc)

    This can often be the difference between profit and loss.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr MaxIM
    It would be great to get more information on number 1 here. How to bring more traffic to your opt-in page?
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBlindMarketer
    Far too many people try to overcomplicate the List Building process, this is a simple formula for a pretty basic thing. People need to know this stuff, it's not hard, it just takes work. Take action and stop overthinking it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    5. Don't email everyday. Email every 3-4 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allissa
    I would add this to your list: Determine if you are more interested in buyers or in just anyone getting onto your list, as this will in turn determine both your monetization model as well as how you will go after your traffic.
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