Squeeze page Critique please.

14 replies
hey all, well i have almost completed my first squeeze page.
Almost up and running, traffic will come from CPM campaigns.

I just wanted to hear from people what they though? all I am doing is list building here.

#critique #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author eternalwarrior
    I would suggest you to put the opt-in form at the first page.

    You can do A/B testing. Test your opti-in rate with the current one. And after some day, put the opt-in form at first page. Analyse the result and see which one performs better.
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    • Profile picture of the author zimsabre
      Originally Posted by eternalwarrior View Post

      I would suggest you to put the opt-in form at the first page.

      You can do A/B testing. Test your opti-in rate with the current one. And after some day, put the opt-in form at first page. Analyse the result and see which one performs better.
      I will do this, run it how it is for a few days then flip over to first page opt in.
      thanks for the feedback guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Honestly, I wouldn't use a standard wordpress theme like this. It doesn't fit the feel of the game, lack of any real formatting. Just looks like something I'd rather skip reading.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pierce
    I agree. Unless your driving traffic with Adwords (in which case you probably shouldn't have the opt-in form on the first page), you will probably experience a much higher conversion rate with it up front.

    Test it out though! Thats the name of the game.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    1. The opt-in form should be on the first page

    2. Write a SUPER headline
    "How a NOOB bla bla bla bla in Just XX Days!"
    "...And I am going to reveal my exact secret on how to do it!"

    3. Bullet points -benefits of your guide

    4. Call to action -enter your name and email and we will send the guide to your email.
    (some people may use fake email because they thought you will give them the guide on the next page)

    5. Make the web form background color the same as your site background color so it blends in nicely.
    (download pixie, a color code identifier tool and check what is your site sidebar backgound color. I've already check it, it is F9F9F9)

    Extra tips:

    -Change sign up now to Download now.
    -Make a cool diablo III header
    -Make a video

    You can use this guy's sales letter as a reference. Take some of his elements and apply it to your own.
    wowsecrets (dot) com
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrei
    1. the squeeze page should have a small space on the first page to

    2. you should add more images from the game with the amount of gold users made after they used your guide...

    3. try getting some testimonials...
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  • Profile picture of the author IulianP
    Tha page is not Diablo style at all.

    The game is dark, dirty and..barbarian style! The page is way too clean, I would use a dark theme with maybe an dark image from the game as a background. Well, make it look more like diablo 3. And as someone said already, show some proofs from inside the game
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  • Profile picture of the author loi77
    Use a "strong" headline which conveys the benefits of your guide to convince visitors to opt-in.

    This is crucial and split test to find the winning headline.

    your visitors only care about 1 thing, "What's in it for me?".

    You have to tell them how you guide can help them.

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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneBoyd
    1. There is NO headline.

    2. There are NO reasons to respond.

    3. There are NO listed benefits.

    Fix those 3 things and you should be alright.
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    • Profile picture of the author Birdi
      honest critique .... whats the whole object of the squeeze page/landing page again?

      Your current page does nothing at all .... i would be surprised if your conversion rate is high.... follow steps below and you will see a change:

      1. place a headline grabbing the attention of your target audience

      2. you could place a simple subheadline test it though otherwise leave it out.

      3. sell the benefits of your guides... in bullet point form.

      4. the optin should be above the fold test it where you like to place it.

      5. if you have an image of your guide that place that in...

      6. a call to action button telling your target audience what to do next.

      I am sure if you place those above you will see a much higher conversion rate, test it out.

      Click Here To Learn How To Generate Your First PayCheck Online!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nickolie0990
    Well there is a lot that can be said about the page, however, the only one you should listen to is the split-tests results. Moreover, if your giving away a Diablo 3 guide, it should be a Diablo 3 Wordpress theme.

    Here is a FREE one that I've found.


    Diablo 3 WordPress Theme | Zac Vineyard's Blog


    Sense you are using a stand alone theme, this will help with the theme of your squeeze page.

    Hope it helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Nariel
    All of the above is super feedback. Only thing I can really add is the submit button to be "punched up" a bit. Something like "Yes - Send My Super FREE Guildes Now!...."

    "content....." - this format is a good technique for your headlines

    Best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    I feel like it's missing something.. what's so special about the guide? Why would people give you their e-mail? And the "Home" button should probably disappear.
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