16 replies
I don't know that we stop and commend each other enough. We all get caught up on the day to day, and the how to that we forget to let each other know what a good job we are all doing. See we all share a few common bonds.

We want to make lot's of money and we want to do it from home. This business takes a ton of dedication and perseverance. It's not easy and I don't know about you but there are a great deal of people I have run into that don't believe it is possible to do. We all know that it is.

The coolest part is the way things are set-up. We help each other with free info, and products that can add to our multiple streams of income. Does everyone get it right all the time?

No but that is just fine by me. I see a ton of people here who believe in something that many people would laugh at. For that I want to commend each and every single one of you warriors for all the hard work you all put in. I wish you all the best and the utmost success. Whatever your reason for doing this. Be it a family to feed, the desire to help or just a massive desire to be insanely rich. Whatever it is good for you.

I know I may get the that is lame comment, but I don't really care. If you have found your way to this forum then you have taken more action than most people ever will. If you continue on with that action and desire I know that you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

So whenever you shut down your work for the night don't forget to give yourself a big pat on the back. Even if you are still in that struggling phase, and maybe even feeling defeated. Stop if only for a minute and ask yourself what the other people you work with did tonight.This gig is thankless and you may never hear it from anyone else. Good job and keep going. You are all inspirations to this rising warrior. Thank you and my hat's off to you.

Bill Hugall
  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    Hello Bill,

    That's a good reminder to appreciate one's self - with or without sales for the day.
    There's always a reason to be thankful, indeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
    There is money in 'Them thar hills' if you have the right mentor to put you on the right track, contact me via pm or email tony.dean (at) gmx.com if you need a name. I make no affiliate commission for doing so.

    Best of luck to all struggling Warriors!

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  • Profile picture of the author ImWendy
    Originally Posted by bilkat19 View Post

    I know I may get the that is lame comment, but I don't really care. If you have found your way to this forum then you have taken more action than most people ever will. If you continue on with that action and desire I know that you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

    I don't think this is a lame coment at all. Thank you for posting this and I hope I can someday return the favor.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6558251].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
      Originally Posted by ImWendy View Post

      I don't think this is a lame coment at all. Thank you for posting this and I hope I can someday return the favor.

      You just did.
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      • Profile picture of the author PCH
        Hi Bill,

        That's a great collection of thoughts....

        I'm still in that newbie phase where I seem to have spent a lot of time learning without actually having reached the 'making it' phase yet. I'm happy to carry on regardless, but I do see the 'lame' look on friends' faces when they politely ask how it's going, and I have to say that I'm still just plodding on, (and on, and on).

        I just settle myself down to the next days work, knowing that it's getting closer each day. Success could be just round the corner, - this is no time for quitting!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6559104].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Joanne D
          Originally Posted by PCH View Post

          Hi Bill,

          That's a great collection of thoughts....

          I'm still in that newbie phase where I seem to have spent a lot of time learning without actually having reached the 'making it' phase yet. I'm happy to carry on regardless, but I do see the 'lame' look on friends' faces when they politely ask how it's going, and I have to say that I'm still just plodding on, (and on, and on).

          I just settle myself down to the next days work, knowing that it's getting closer each day. Success could be just round the corner, - this is no time for quitting!

          I get the same "lame" look and/or attitude from people who don't "get it" with my business too so I completely understand.
          I'm just waiting for the day when they want to join me in my business because I am making much more money than they will ever dream of.
          On my way...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6561147].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Karson
            Originally Posted by Joanne D View Post

            I get the same "lame" look and/or attitude from people who don't "get it" with my business too so I completely understand.
            I'm just waiting for the day when they want to join me in my business because I am making much more money than they will ever dream of.
            On my way...
            haha I am the same way... but the part that gets me more is I have some friends with so much potential and they are just content or satisfied.

            man I can't wait to light a fire under there arse someday.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    See that is what I am talking about. This business is awesome and it sucks at times, but in the end we are all in it together. I just don't want anyone to forget to take credit for having more Balls than most people could ever dream of.
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  • Being in WF is the best thing I have ever did this year. I was skeptical to join due to my past experiences with other forum sites when people are so blunt, they make sarcastic comments and can't get serious posts at all.

    Now, I do believe this is more of a brotherhood from all walks of life who shares information to help one another to earn money at the same time to boost up people who made it far. As for those who have not reach their goals and failed several times, they found comfort here.

    IM will definitely one thing that would put money on a person's pocket only if he found the right way to do it. With the information found here at WF it would be just a matter of time for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author hernalian
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6562806].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
      Originally Posted by hernalian View Post

      Well that was refreshing to see! Thanks for giving encouragement to everyone here. We all have good days and then days where it is a little more of a struggle. Internet Marketing takes a certain breed of person and it is great to have a place like this very forum to share and learn.
      My pleasure
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  • Profile picture of the author prroger
    Hats off to you, Bill, for reminding us to take a moment to find some inspiration to get going again tomorrow. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anoopchawla
    Same to you mate, I am feeling good about myself already. One more thing, this forum is absolutely amazing. In routine life I see everybody trying to beat his competitor but on this forum we help each other and wish each other success from the bottom of our heart.

    Isn't that awesome?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6563480].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author williamk
    Very nicely put sir. I am impressed by the depth of your perception. And it is true what you say but people do get lost with the amount of information in warrior forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    Yes they do. It is tough if you are having a tough time focusing, and have no idea what to focus on. Been there! People just have to keep at it and know it will work for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author adsassist
    Thank you Bill

    I love seeing threads like this, it gives self motivation no matter what people say.

    Plays a big part staying on that straight line of success.

    Thank you again and best luck to all of you .
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    At least it made it to a few.
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