My results from my first automated webinar - and your opinions?

3 replies
In the last 6 weeks or so I have soft-launched an Automated Webinar using the Evergreen Business System software.

The product is a "done for you" Internet Marketing service that has a range of price points that depends on what package the customer chooses: $497, $997 or $1997.

Here are my results so far. The traffic has come from (1) my own list, (2) adswaps and (3) banner ads.

Clicks: 1962
Registrations: 360 (18%)
Attendees: 96 (25%)
Sales: 4 (2 sales @ $997, 2 sales @ $47)
Revenue: $2988

Earnings per click (EPC): $1.53
Dollar per registration (DPL): $7.86
Dollar per attendee (DPA): $31.12

Positive points:

- Many attendees have so far raved about the content and sent me thank-you emails.
- From the heat map of how long attendees stay, 61% of people stay right till the end.

See the heat map here.

Problems that I need to solve:

1) Low registration & attendance rates are drastically reducing EPC.
2) There is a massive lag between sending traffic and seeing revenue, limiting reinvestment opportunity.
3) When sending traffic, I'm collecting a fraction of the leads I should be seeing. 18% optins vs 50% optins on a regular squeeze.

I am creating a portfolio of other infoproducts now, and I would be severely limiting my business' growth if my optin rate is so low for the webinar as less people come into the sales funnel.

So here's what I would like to do:

- Send paid traffic to my "email only" squeeze page INSTEAD of the webinar registration page and build my list as normal.

- Send subscribers directly to the webinar video (they will not be able to skip or pause, and the order button will appear when the offer is made).

The desired outcome of this:

To make a profit at the point of sale to reinvest exponentially back into traffic and list building.

This solution will avoid the low registration & attendance rates problems that I'm facing now. I'll be able to build my list to market my other infoproducts to, and also more people will see the webinar.

Most importantly, I will be able to see revenue and reinvest faster to grow my business.

Surely if I buy paid traffic e.g. sending 1000 clicks to my squeeze page, I collect 500 leads that I can follow up with and 500 people see my actual webinar, which will end up making me more money.

Benefit 1: More people see my newsletter & product catalog ($197 products, coaching & continuity)
Benefit 2: More people see the actual webinar and offer (which will make me more money at the point of sale)

My plan is to reinvest every dollar made at the point of sale. So if I spend $400 to get 1000 clicks to my squeeze page and make $1000 from the webinar replay, that is reinvested right back into buying traffic. Then if I make $2000 from that campaign, it is reinvested right back into buying traffic. I'm sure you can understand the exponential growth that can happen with continual reinvestment.

The plan for my email list is to keep producing high-value infoproducts and coaching programs and sell them through my newsletter. That is where I will withdraw income from my business.

My question for you is should I:

A) Buy traffic to my squeeze page and send people straight to the webinar replay page
B) Buy traffic to go to the webinar registration page
C) Buy traffic to my squeeze page and a low-priced OTO, then promote my webinar via autoresponder.

I want to go with Option A, as I am excited to build my list faster and get more webinar/replay sales. Surely if I've made $2988 from 96 people seeing the webinar, even a drop in conversion will still keep me profitable? It's a waste of traffic if only 380 people register from 2000 visits! And only 96 people actually see the offer!

If you are reading this right now, I would really appreciate your feedback as this could be a game-changer for me! Thanks so much!
#automated #opinions #results #webinar
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    It sounds like your main concern is the low opt-in rate. I'd test out maybe offering an immediate freebie to those who register for the webinar. I'd also test having a free offer (exit page) when people leave the registration page without signing up.

    Also, being that you promoted this to your list, the stats are skewed and can't really be compared to what you'd get from cold traffic.
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  • I agree with Ron here: your main focus at this point should be improving your opt-in ratios.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    I would focus on A in any case, it's always better to build your list and be able re-market to your will have a similar issue though in getting opt-in's...can't avoid the fact that you want to do better than 18% on the opt-in as Ron has mentioned.

    I would also mix in referral traffic that is highly targeted...given your conversion of webinar attendees and potentially high selling point you should easily be able to attract some good affiliate interest and send more targeted traffic which should get you even better conversions...this also gives you more leverage than you can get buying traffic.

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