Solid Article Writing Income

17 replies
Here is the deal. I know the theory behind building a website and growing an online business. I can see some opportunities that I could explore. The problem is that I just cannot wait for a website to get off the ground right now and it is difficult to handle the uncertainty. I need to do work that gets me paid "today", not next year. I have done article writing at iWriter, I'm an Elite Writer and everything but it's tough. What is the most effective way to go about creating a solid income as a writer? I don't need that much, if I can generate $50 from a day's work that would be a huge improvement over where I am now.
#article #income #solid #writing
  • take a look at a successful writers website like the article boss. Article writing is a tough biz. You should seriously consider product creation instead.

    PM Me Now!

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    • Profile picture of the author iamandregil
      Isn't product creation an even tougher business?
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    • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
      Originally Posted by Resale Rights Ninja View Post

      take a look at a successful writers website like the article boss. Article writing is a tough biz. You should seriously consider product creation instead.
      There is no business that's worth doing that isn't tough, period. Why do you think Mickey D's and Starbucks vie for the best real estate? They want to try to make it where the most people are. You need to try to do the same thing.

      Article writing is tough. Trust me, I know. You need to learn from the hundreds and thousands of posts in this forum alone of people who have tried to be article writers, but either didn't realize or didn't know the value of the written word. If you go the route of offering $1/100 words (or cheaper), then you'll burn out in a few weeks.

      If you read the words of Alexa, MYOB, Joe "The Almighty" Robinson, and a few others and price your work at what it's worth, then you'll make some real money.

      The other thing is that you don't want to rely on the WF for your business. I attract some business from here, but I get a ton of business from other methods.

      -- j

      Posting About Life & Video Games:

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      • Profile picture of the author iamandregil
        Originally Posted by JaRyCu View Post

        They want to try to make it where the most people are. You need to try to do the same thing.
        I'm not sure where article buyers hang out, at least not the kind that pay more than $0.01/word.

        If you go the route of offering $1/100 words (or cheaper), then you'll burn out in a few weeks.
        I know, I tried that already. I'll look into the people you mentioned.

        The other thing is that you don't want to rely on the WF for your business. I attract some business from here, but I get a ton of business from other methods.
        Like what?
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        • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
          Originally Posted by iamandregil View Post

          Like what?
          All the stuff that Alexa was so kind to post. I have a whole bookmark folder on my home PC that's called "Alexa Posts" where I just star the stuff she tells people to look at. If she ever quit typing for free here in the public forums and made a WSO, she could probably clear a few hundred thousand Euros her first day. I'd suggest reading everything she pointed out to you.

          -- j

          Posting About Life & Video Games:

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    • Profile picture of the author alfid
      Originally Posted by Resale Rights Ninja View Post

      take a look at a successful writers website like the article boss. Article writing is a tough biz. You should seriously consider product creation instead.
      I agree. This can be tough. I think the product creation idea is the way to go. Maybe you can start designing and selling e-books.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
      Originally Posted by Resale Rights Ninja View Post

      take a look at a successful writers website like the article boss. Article writing is a tough biz. You should seriously consider product creation instead.
      Considering the fact that the OP just came from iWriter, it might not be the best advice. We don't know this writers talent, and telling anybody that they can get into product creation is worse than telling anybody that they can get into article writing.

      The barrier for entry may be low, but that guarantees nothing as far as success goes.

      Edit: And I can't believe I missed it, but a pretty blatant attempt at a sig click there, RRN.
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  • ummmm nooo..... not at all. Product creation is where it is at! You can sell the product over and over again, and you can have affiliates promote it for you. PM me when you get enough posts and I will help you out. You could try skyping me, but I won't be on their for like a week. In fact I shouldn't even be on the forum right now. I'm outta here.

    PM Me Now!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6589531].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iamandregil
      Well I suppose in a sense article writing IS product creation, except you only get to sell your product once. The plus side is that the customer doesn't have as high a standard, the product doesn't have to deliver as much value. It's weird because after I read your post I immediately started thinking "Hey, what about this idea?" and coming up with a possible product that would be easy for me to create and sell.
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      • Profile picture of the author The Great Gordino
        Originally Posted by iamandregil View Post

        Well I suppose in a sense article writing IS product creation, except you only get to sell your product once. The plus side is that the customer doesn't have as high a standard, the product doesn't have to deliver as much value. It's weird because after I read your post I immediately started thinking "Hey, what about this idea?" and coming up with a possible product that would be easy for me to create and sell.
        I can see good and bad in this post!

        Good - the bit where you say article writing IS product creation.
        I've created products which are basically a collection of my articles with top and tail.

        Bad - the bit where you say customer doesn't have as high as standard, the product doesn't have to deliver as much value


        You should be writing for any client with the same values you would put to writing something with your own name on it. Don't let any clients of yours see that you don't think you need to deliver as much value, or standards aren't as high! They *should* be as high, that's how you will get to raise your prices!

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        • Profile picture of the author iamandregil
          Originally Posted by The Great Gordino View Post

          You should be writing for any client with the same values you would put to writing something with your own name on it. Don't let any clients of yours see that you don't think you need to deliver as much value, or standards aren't as high! They *should* be as high, that's how you will get to raise your prices!
          I used iWriter because that is an easy way to find clients which is something I don't really know how to do. Writing at iWriter, I found that no matter how well you write, all you get in return is a compliment and the occasional $1 tip. In fact trying to deliver the highest quality is a waste of time. Even the clients that reply with a "Wow! I can't express how great this article is!" don't really do much to improve my actual earnings. The best I got was one guy that liked my work enough to ask for a large volume of $0.01/word articles. At first I thought "Cool, I can now stop constantly refreshing iWriter to find jobs I'm suitable for" but then I quickly burned out trying to produce stuff that was of a level of quality I was happy with. I make more money by doing crappy rewrites that are easy to do (since the content is already researched) and are always approved than by writing the best quality I can.
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          • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
            Originally Posted by iamandregil View Post

            I used iWriter because that is an easy way to find clients which is something I don't really know how to do. Writing at iWriter, I found that no matter how well you write, all you get in return is a compliment and the occasional $1 tip. In fact trying to deliver the highest quality is a waste of time. Even the clients that reply with a "Wow! I can't express how great this article is!" don't really do much to improve my actual earnings. The best I got was one guy that liked my work enough to ask for a large volume of $0.01/word articles. I make more money by doing crappy rewrites that are easy to do (since the content is already researched) and are always approved than by writing the best quality I can.
            You've got 2 choices Andre:
            1. Sink to the lowest common denominator and write @#$% for @#$% wages.
            2. Keep improving your quality, raise your prices, and learn where the real clients are.

            -- j

            Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by iamandregil View Post

    What is the most effective way to go about creating a solid income as a writer?
    One of the most effective ways is simply to have regularly returning clients, so that you don't need to find and bring in new business all the time. That means supplying articles to customers whose own businesses survive and prosper, because they know how to use the product.

    First, if you read through the following recent threads, you'll find many helpful observations and suggestions.

    Secondly, if you want to think a little more about "the markets in which ones chooses to compete, as a writer", you might find some of these resources helpful/interesting (and most of the recommendations in them for "further reading" will also be pretty reliable ones, I think) ...

    Jennifer Mattern's blog

    Carol Tice's blog

    Freelance writing jobs (minmum payment requirement of $50 per article to be listed there)

    Free report on how to attract new freelance writing clients during a recession

    The Renegade Writer Blog

    The "Irreverent Freelancer" blog

    The Well-Fed Writer: Lucrative Commercial Freelance Writing - Land Lucrative Freelance Writing Jobs

    Words on the Page.

    Good luck!
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  • Write products and sell them.
    Write for membership sites and sell memberships.
    Write for hire (not a fan of this one)

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The only problem with product creation is that pesky little issue where you actually have to have some skill or legit technique (business or otherwise) that people want and will pay for. Then you have to present it in a way they can understand. Then you have to market and promote it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6590048].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iamandregil
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      The only problem with product creation is that pesky little issue where you actually have to have some skill or legit technique (business or otherwise)that people want
      I have that.

      and will pay for.
      This I am not sure about.

      Then you have to present it in a way they can understand.
      I think that's reasonably easy.

      Then you have to market and promote it.
      That is my main block.
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      • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
        Originally Posted by iamandregil View Post

        Then you have to present it in a way they can understand.
        I think that's reasonably easy.
        You might be surprised to find out it's not as easy as some would have you believe. Maybe it's because I'm an old crusty dude but the quality of the info products I've seen lately is pretty bad. And they're bad for the reason I mention above.

        It's true that there are plenty of people who have skills others could use and profit from. The problem is they don't know how to teach. Putting something across so someone is able to duplicate your effort is a skill in itself.

        I'm especially wary of all the how-to videos out there. Overall, they suck. Anyone with a camera can make a video. And more often than not the "product creation is hot" crowd sit in front of a camera without a clue as to how to teach a technique. They ramble on aimlessly, often because they think the longer a video is, the more valuable it is. Just the opposite is true.

        If you really have the talent to teach, then by all means, go for it because like I said, if you can really put a concept across you'll be way out in front of the pack. Good luck.
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