Do You Like Movies? Tired of Mindless Blockbusters?

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Me too!

The same goes for lame music. And I also like a good book occasionally.

There are something like 10,000 feature films made in the United States alone annually. A large percentage are no doubt drivel, but I would bet that a large percentage of the films that don't make it over the transome into your local cineplex are damn fine, but nobody is going to spend $30 million -the average presently as I understand it in Hollywierd- to market a motion picture.

A typical mainstream "album" release from a major label has about a million dollars put into its promotion budget to get it on the radio all over the country and make a "hit."

Best selling books too usually have a fairly substantial promotions and marketing budget from their publishing house.

OF COURSE ON THE OTHER SIDE THERE IS THE VIRAL HIT FROM OUT OF NOWHERE. Think about the song everyone loved to hate by Rebecca Black, we both know that "Friday" is humming in your head even as I type and you read because it's one of those annoying thoughts that just won't leave.

What if viral hits didn't have to be accidents?

If you've been in the Internet Marketing game for any length of time, you know that they don't have to be accidents anymore.

The tools to seed a viral marketing success are right here on this forum.

The equipment and technology you need to power a viral success as well as the procedures to follow are discussed regularly, but the most powerful tool on this site are the people who contribute to it.

What if a group of affiliate marketers got together and decided they were going to create a viral marketing success in the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY?

Could they do it?

Would you want to be one of those people?

What if the Artists using this affiliate network were regularly paying 75% commissions and literally gave you a file that would populate a new Wordpress blog with videos and other content to market their product for you at your domain, and all you would need to do is change your affiliate link code once or twice EACH time this affiliate network launched a new project, or add new front page copy they sent you for a new launch, then copy and paste an email the affiliate network provided you and send it to your email list, and post a link to your facebook and twitter or other social network accounts publicizing the new product on a new domain you added to that hosting account you are already paying for each month, and for your troubles, you would regularly make a little coin on a new product launch, and if you spent a little money on a facebook ad, or a little more time posting to free media sites or deploying other traditional IM tactics to rank your new blog, which by the way is populated with an article spinner that means no two blogs are exactly alike, and you start to rank for Independent Film, or Indie Music, or Indie Books? What if you continued list building on this new site with each launch?

The biggest What if for me though is the following, what if by doing this you made a little money and made sure that anyone who produced the next great Rock and Roll song, or the next great American novel, or the next great movie found an audience for their art? What if you changed the way that music, movies, stand up comedy, and literature was marketed?

The DIY movement is big in music, movies, stand up comedy, books, and entertainment in general right now.

The problem as I see it is that digital technology and computers have democratized the production of art media and the Internet has democratized publishing and distribution. Anyone can set up a website and distribute their album, film, book, etc., but most artists don't know how to market, and the ones who do are pushing the flywheel over and over again really hard with little success.

I think that a group of Internet Marketers that build an affiliate network focused on Art Media sales can change that. My question for the community gathered here is how many people would want to join that kind of affiliate network?
#blockbusters #mindless #movies #tired

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