Targeting China (Baidu)

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Hi all, I'm new here and although a pro writer I do have a keen interest in SEO. I couldn't help but kick myself for not showing interest in Baidu before now, but thanks to this and other SEO/Marketing forums I checked the SERPS for the directory I work for under certain keywords we want to be known for and see we're *#1, 3, 4, 5, with them. Obviously its nice to be top of the SERPs with any engine of note but China is different, isn't it?

So now to the questions in mind. Even though I've done my homework on the search engine and note we dominate the first page with four of the first ten results for a given set of keywords and phrases we wonder is this of any use? Does anyone thing China will, as they have with everything else, come into the Global arena at any time?

We've even started to get Chinese submission over the past months and wondered how a closed country even knew about us. We're guessing it's because of our #1 in the SERPS of all the majors in our chosen terms? Who knows?

So what I'm would like to have feedback on is... 'How much importance should a site play on the SERPs position with . How important is it to keep in with the Chinese, if at all? Does anyone think that the Chinese will stay put or do what they've done with pretty much every aspect of industry and globalize?

I'd really appreciate guidance and advice please.
#baidu #china #targeting

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