Help Desk Script opinion needed...

by TanB
11 replies
Hi Warriors

You opinion is really appreciated: Which one of help desk script is better: Cerberus or Kayako?


#desk #needed #opinion #script
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgeRoberts
    I'd go with Kayako. I haven't used Cerberus but Kayako has never let me down.
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  • Profile picture of the author LogoNerds
    Kayako has never let me down either. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to friends and associates of mine.
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  • Profile picture of the author jackjohnson
    Kayako is affordable and stable. So I agree with the rest plus it is damm easy to setup up and use
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    • Profile picture of the author TheNightOwl
      Hi Dritan

      Depending on your purposes, you may not need either. I don't know anything about Cerberus. I've heard good things about Kayako--but it's woefully expensive, no?

      My choice in support software is TicketDeskPro. I've recommended it here before and will continue to do so because it rocks and it's cheap.

      (No, it's not my product. And, no, that's not an affiliate link)

      Hope it's more like what you're looking for. And if you really do need something like the two you mention, then apologies for this meaningless and potentially intrusive response.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevenh512
    I've always liked OSTicket, has all the features I've ever needed (and then some) and it's totally free. Just do yourself a favor if you're going to use it, download and install the latest version, stay away from the outdated version that comes with Fantastico on most CPanel hosts. There have been a lot of bug fixes, security fixes and new features added since that version.

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    • Profile picture of the author rajiv
      Kayako is the best software. Extremely good and reliable software.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kym Robinson
    I love my 3 pillars help desk - so easy to use even a tech retard like me could set it up easily and the first

    one time cost on clickbank - Willie Crawford owns it - he bought the company he loved it so much!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    I havent been able to find any recent posts regarding Three pillars help desk? Anyone still using it and liking it better than the free ones like Hesk?
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  • Profile picture of the author JV Warrior
    A good free helpdesk is available and has some cool features for a free version.
    www (dot) accord5 (dot) com/trellis

    Well worth a look if you dont want to pay for one to begin with.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    I just set up hesk and it seems like a pretty awesome free help desk so far. There are so awesome free video tutorials on setting it up by fellow warrior Jeff Usher here: Create Your Helpdesk - Video Series

    So far I am really liking it. I wanted to use the built in FAQ since it has the ability to search the database, but I dont want to give away my strategies to non-buyers of my products. So unless I can figure out a way to have it protected on my site, I will just have to use it as a support desk.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I'll second Hesk. Free and easy to use and set up.
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