Brand new, want to get my feet wet

10 replies
Hello Warriors. I have been toying with the idea of creating income streams online for a while now. I started a niche blog on blogspot and have made a whopping $14.48 in about 6 months. Granted I did not put in tons of hours as I have been in graduate school. I just graduated and am looking to delve more deeply into making money online.

Largely from reading this forum, I know I will need to do some basic things such as register and host a domain, use wordpress to build a site, build an email list and sell sell sell... But WHAT to sell and where to start? Does it make sense to build a squeeze page for a clickbank product and try to sell this through my website? Or better to build a review site and be an affiliate for a variety of products?

If these options are ignorant, please let me know but any advice on where to start would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks and have a great day.

#affilliate #brand #clickbank #feet #newbie #wet
  • Honestly i would make amazon review websites. Theres tons of reasons why (in my opinion) physical goods sell better then non tangiable items.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Harris
    Build a squeeze page,
    to build a list..

    Drive traffic to your
    squeeze page, some of
    them will join your list..

    Then you can email
    your list subscribers
    affiliate offers..

    When you start
    making money,
    scale-up with paid traffic..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6679438].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author VHSEOMike
      Originally Posted by quantumtiger View Post

      Build a squeeze page,
      to build a list..

      Drive traffic to your
      squeeze page, some of
      them will join your list..

      Then you can email
      your list subscribers
      affiliate offers..

      When you start
      making money,
      scale-up with paid traffic..
      Great answer. Just follow it. Good luck.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6679708].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zigzag007
      Top notch answer.

      Originally Posted by quantumtiger View Post

      Build a squeeze page,
      to build a list..

      Drive traffic to your
      squeeze page, some of
      them will join your list..

      Then you can email
      your list subscribers
      affiliate offers..

      When you start
      making money,
      scale-up with paid traffic..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6679751].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WFs
    Can someone show me an example of a well put together squeeze page? Also, when I tried to sign up for amazon affiliates I had to have a website first? What if I just want to see what they have to sell?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6679725].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
      Originally Posted by WFs View Post

      Can someone show me an example of a well put together squeeze page? Also, when I tried to sign up for amazon affiliates I had to have a website first? What if I just want to see what they have to sell?

      You can post affiliate links for all the products you see on Amazon (that's a reason why a lot of people use them). Also, you do not need to have a website to become an Amazon affiliate.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6680051].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WFs
        Originally Posted by OmegaContent View Post

        You can post affiliate links for all the products you see on Amazon (that's a reason why a lot of people use them). Also, you do not need to have a website to become an Amazon affiliate.
        Oh that makes sense, thanks!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6680091].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dylan2855
    Thanks quantumtiger for such a succinct answer. I will try to follow this model.
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  • Profile picture of the author chip22
    I agree with those who have recommended Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackVoid
    Pick simple automated tools and learn them. Just a few. Don't fall down that rabbit hole but without tools its hard to build a house.
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