How This Strange...Yet *Little Known Secret*...Can Make You...THOUSANDS!

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I highly encourage you to read THIS thread before you
read this's the reason I'm putting it in the main
forum because it's so powerful yet...few people do it.

Click Here To See This Awesome Thread By John

As the title suggests, I fact...made thousands
doing this.

It's almost TOO easy. Johns thread and my own will tell
you HOW...and WHY it works...all that's left for you to
do is TAKE ACTION on this information because I promise works.

It's a LOT easier than having to SELL SELL SELL...selling
is *hard work*. It's easier and stress-free to sell some-
thing that produces a RESULT for people...that makes their
lives a little easier...than it is to sell the IDEA of doing

See thread below...

(WARNING: It's a LONG read...but enjoyable)



Thank you.

This thread a *T*...exactly how I started making
real money in freelancing.

Prior to that I was putting in bids on freelance websites know...the ones where clients give you their bud


After spending more time placing bids than I did writing,
I had nothing lose.

It was now or never.


this strange idea crossed my mind after struggling a bit
to get paying clients on my terms.

What if I made a salesletter marketing my writing service
and giving away 20 free article samples?

I hesitated at first...I mean...wouldn't I *devalue* my
work? Wouldn't I lose control of my business?

I did it anyway...out of curiosity...and...

it worked like crazy. well, in fact, it scared the bejezus out of me.

Almost half ended up being paid clients (7 or 8)...others
left glowing testimonials (those who didn't continue with
my service)...and another portion referred me to people
who DID pay full price for my service. even those who didn't become clients had a major
impact on my bottom-line.

Logically...'d think people would take advantage of you. And,
you'd be *right* -- some people DO.

But *naturally*, you know people will
-ever they can -- even if not *directly* if you genuinely
desire to make THEIR lives better.

...because people ARE generally good and kind. Perhaps,
the reason why this works is because of your faith and
belief in THEM.

YOU are taking the risk. YOU are taking the chance. And
YOU are confident what you have to offer is worth some
-thing to them.

You believe in THEM...then they'll believe in YOU.

...but it starts in your them.

A lot of people here get the *concept* by giving away a
freebie of some sort to build a list. a lot of cases, it's done with the clear intent to
get something back in return.

You *know* they're going to ask you to buy something
using the law of reciprocity...against them.

The freebie itself, for all intents and purposes, is designed
to NOT produce an actual result or benefit the other.'s designed to *trick* you into believing it'll be worth
something...but NOT until you buy THIS. Or That.

They call it, "Sell The Sizzle...Not The Steak".

And, it's deceptive...because it DOES work.

...but wouldn't you be motivated to buy the steak if you
had a *sample* of it's taste?

EATING it is more real to you than SMELLING it.

...because it doesn't get any more *real* than that.

Clearly...the chef is confident I'm going to love it...other-
wise...why would he make me such an offer?


it proves you believe in your product or service so much
you want them to enjoy what they can have more of...if
they wish.

...not the IDEA, or...the "sizzle"...of what they can get.

When you go to an amusement park...

do you go for ONE ride? Or several?

Don't get me wrong...

selling the *thought* or *idea* of a result DOES work...

I've done it many, many times with success.

But NOTHING...has produced a rabid response and quick
success than GENUINLY wanting to help others get a
desired result.

Obviously, my article offer doesn't apply to ALL business
models...but it's my *belief* if you genuinely want to help
people get what they want'll find a creative
way to help people achieve a RESULT and get them to
come back for more.'s not about giving them a full belly without paying
you a dime.

You DESERVE to make as much money as you can for the
service or product you offer.

It's about giving them a genuine *appetizer* and asking
them if they want MORE...

do you see?

It's EASIER to sell the main course if the appetizer is...
the *bomb*...than it is to persuade them it IS the bomb.

Give them WHAT they want...

...and leave them wanting MORE.

Give away the farm...and you have nothing left to give...
give away a few eggs...maybe a chicken or two to prove
it's quality to the buyer...and you'll make a fortune.

Again, this thread was inspired by John Williamson:
Click Here To See This Awesome Thread By John

It never crossed my mind to write about this topic because
it seemed most people are dead set on GETTING before they
give...because if you VALUE your work you wouldn't DARE
give them something producing an immediate result.

...and I say to each his own.

This works for John and...his thread inspired me to *do it
again for another massive project I'm doing*.

I forgot how well this worked in the past until he talked
about it...I got caught up in all the "SELL! SELL! SELL!" hype.

hopefully, for those of you struggling or looking to improve
your business it'll inspire you to move forward.

Good Night...And Good Luck,

Josef Benjamin
#littleknown #methousands #secretmade #strangeyet

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