"Hoplinks targeted to images or other invisible html objects give you no affilate referral credit"..

3 replies
I was reading through Clickbanks policy in-depth just now with all the recent concern over the tracking system etc.

(In regard to that, I've made a new account to see if sales return back to the previous level - I don't personally think it will make any difference and we're mostly seeing the result of the so-called credit crunch).


I found this curious paragraph:

"Hoplinks targeted to images or other invisible html objects give you no affilate referral credit at all. In some cases they will also prevent you from receiving affiliate referral credit for legal hoplinks on the same page."

Are they saying if you link FROM an image, to a hoplink, then this is an illegal hoplink, and, from what I see there, if you have legal TEXT hoplinks on a page but still link to a hoplink with an image on that same page, your normal hoplink will not get creditied, too.

Am I understanding this correctly?


#hoplinks #images #invisible #targeted

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