Email Marketers Question for you

6 replies

I am looking to start building a list. I have decided to do a single opt-in list for now (know the benefits of both SOI and DOI) and had some questions.

I understand that the CAN-SPAM law requires certain things and I want to be fully legally compliant. My question is, anything I need to know to be fully compliant and ensure my emails are okay?

I understand that you need to include a postal address and everyone of the people I am subscribed to includes one. My question is being a small-time start-up right now building a list from scratch do I have to include my personal home address on every email I send out? For safety and privacy reasons I would prefer to avoid doing this and wonder how you felt doing this. Is there any way to avoid doing this?
#email #marketers #question
  • Profile picture of the author bumkeun
    Originally Posted by saga414 View Post


    I am looking to start building a list. I have decided to do a single opt-in list for now (know the benefits of both SOI and DOI) and had some questions.

    I understand that the CAN-SPAM law requires certain things and I want to be fully legally compliant. My question is, anything I need to know to be fully compliant and ensure my emails are okay?

    I understand that you need to include a postal address and everyone of the people I am subscribed to includes one. My question is being a small-time start-up right now building a list from scratch do I have to include my personal home address on every email I send out? For safety and privacy reasons I would prefer to avoid doing this and wonder how you felt doing this. Is there any way to avoid doing this?

    What kind of business are you into and what type of information are you sending to your client list?

    You should look into text message marketing. The rewards are far more greater. I just started my own SMS marketing company and my clients love it!
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    • Profile picture of the author saga414
      I already have a plan in place and look to do a combination of valuable quality info and aff products to my list.

      I also think email would be better for what I have in mind currently.
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  • Profile picture of the author bumkeun
    I am not familiar with what AFF products are but best of luck to you!

    One thing to do keep in mind is that text messages are almost always opened..emails are not.
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    • Profile picture of the author saga414
      Originally Posted by bumkeun View Post

      I am not familiar with what AFF products are but best of luck to you!

      One thing to do keep in mind is that text messages are almost always opened..emails are not.
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      • Profile picture of the author saga414

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  • Profile picture of the author HostWind
    I would not put your personal address there. If you are really looking to go the full route and take it serious, a PO box is a good idea.
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