It's easy to build a list, but how to sustain your list over a long period of time is hard

15 replies
I believe it's not hard to build a list buy using paid traffic method. You can do soloads and build your list very fast. The problem is how to get your list trust on you and loyal to you? How you sustain a long term relationship with them?

1.) send newsletter
Treat them as buddy. Talk to them as of try are your close friends.

2.) information and value
Provide information and value to your list. Educate them using newsletter
email once a week. eBook or minicourse will do.

3.) useful product
Promote products that you really really think it's gonna benefit and useful
to your list.

Just my opinion. Hope it's useful
#build #easy #hard #list #long #period #sustain #time
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
    you need to get your list's social media profiles also. This tool works great

    Be interactive in every platform.

    Over deliver on value.

    Established webmaster since 1998. Bought my first domain name for $70 and had to pay $1000 a month for hosting. It was the good life

    Skype: twool9
    Email me at thomasw9 ((((a)))) G mail

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  • Profile picture of the author webtolight
    Some good points.

    Building a list is hard too though, but with excellent content, this isn't hard.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    One more point that you can do is to ask your readers what they wish to know about and also what kind of problems they face. In this way, you can build up the relationship faster too..

    Understand their problems might be a good way to start building up trust too

    Hope this help...
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  • Profile picture of the author Todd Pedersen
    I try to make only 1 in three emails of the sales variety. Even then there should be some educational value in the pitch. I see to many people just sending out affiliate link one after another. Sooner or later I unsubscribe to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    your right hazyl

    also i will say that staying regular contact with your list is vital otherwise you will get the "who the hell is this guy"

    even if some of your infomation is not lazer targeted to a particular list that you have your still better off to send it to them because thats better than not emailing at all

    im not talking about promotions, i mean free useful content

    i often email all of my list when ever i create a quality new blog post which will help them

    this works great for me and also helps with getting my blog posts shared too

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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      The hardest part about having a list is keeping your list active. Offer good content often and always be there to respond to emails. In the majority of my emails I always add that if they have any questions then hit reply to the email and I will get back them ASAP. People appreciate the fact that a real person will respond to an email instead of having it go to some kind of support ticket.
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      • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
        Building a list is the EASY part.

        Keeping your subscribers engaged by effective e-mail
        marketing is the HARD part that most people screw-up
        on completely.

        Rather than being like everyone else in your niche and
        repeating the same old advice, take a stand and provide
        a unique angle on your subject area.

        People pay more attention to what's NEW and UNIQUE
        and that's what'll keep them listening to you for longer.

        Dedicated to mutual success,



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      • Profile picture of the author kolled
        Originally Posted by davidjames42973 View Post

        The hardest part about having a list is keeping your list active. Offer good content often and always be there to respond to emails. In the majority of my emails I always add that if they have any questions then hit reply to the email and I will get back them ASAP. People appreciate the fact that a real person will respond to an email instead of having it go to some kind of support ticket.
        This is a great tactic, BUT it only works if your list is small. When the number of subscribers increase, you'll find yourself spending way more time replying to their mails. Building a good relationship is important, but some of the methods need to be changed as the situation changes.
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  • Profile picture of the author sahi
    I've seen people who bombard their lists often in a week, and they don't even think about developing a relationship or trust with their lists, their aim is to sell their stuff.
    And unfortunately i've seen them making money too with this tactic, so maybe we should not worry too much about trust or relationship thing with our list!!!!??

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    • Profile picture of the author hazyl lee
      Originally Posted by sahi View Post

      I've seen people who bombard their lists often in a week, and they don't even think about developing a relationship or trust with their lists, their aim is to sell their stuff.
      And unfortunately i've seen them making money too with this tactic, so maybe we should not worry too much about trust or relationship thing with our list!!!!??
      Maybe you can't do repeating sale to your list. People who trust you will keep on buying and buying from you.. Who will you buy insurance from? A random salesman or your friend? I think I will be more convinced to my friend more than a salesman.
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    Anybody can send out an offer, but because you've formed a relationship with the reader, they will be more apt to buy from you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mena Jo
      I've been thinking about this topic quite a lot and one thing I'm starting to do more of is list segmentation.

      My subscribers, although all IMers, have different needs and wants. There really is little point in me sending out an email promoting product A to my entire list, when it may only be relevant to a few. No, my campaigns need to be more targeted than that, and as I say, I'm just starting to get with the program on this front, while I still have a small and manageable list.

      Along with the points that Hazyl raised, I see this as key to improving the relationship with your list, increasing open rates and creating a win win situation all round.
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      • Profile picture of the author hazyl lee
        Originally Posted by Mena Jo View Post

        I've been thinking about this topic quite a lot and one thing I'm starting to do more of is list segmentation.

        My subscribers, although all IMers, have different needs and wants. There really is little point in me sending out an email promoting product A to my entire list, when it may only be relevant to a few. No, my campaigns need to be more targeted than that, and as I say, I'm just starting to get with the program on this front, while I still have a small and manageable list.

        Along with the points that Hazyl raised, I see this as key to improving the relationship with your list, increasing open rates and creating a win win situation all round.
        I agree with you. Different people have different needs. This is very true. Not all the people want the same product that you sell. Only small amount of them. so I personally think that list segmentation will bring us more conversion. Make sure you email your list Once in a while and ask them what they need
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    I agree, i also want to add that making them feel special by asking them what they need and that can definitely make them stay for a long period of time. If you have a good reputation there is a lot of chance for a repeat customers and referrals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cesar Sampaio
    Sometimes I wonder how people that just try to sell and only sell with every single email are still on business. I guess they just replenish subscribers as fast as they lose them and see what sticks.

    I don't mind if you try to sell me stuff, that's how IM'ers make a living but if there's nothing else, I quit.
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