Why Yahoo Answers is a good forum for affiliates in the bodyshaping niche

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Posting answers on forums is a favorite way for affiliates to find potential customers and warm them up before sending them over to a salespage. These people are asking questions so they're actively searching for a solution. If you tell them good things about the 12 Week Fitness Program (or whatever other program you're selling) before you send them to the vendor, then they are warm leads. And warm leads convert well.

The key to a good forum answer is:
  1. not to sounds like you're selling
  2. not to answer the question yourself but to suggest that the vendor has the solution to their problem.
Yahoo Answers
One of the best forums to post your answers on is Yahoo Answers. Why? Because people are asking for a bodyshaping solution just about every minute there! Go to Yahoo Answers > Health > Diet & Fitness and check it out for yourself.

Save your answers
Be creative in your answers and save them in a spreadsheet so you can use them as an answer template afterwards. 10-20 answer templates are probably enough.

Give hope and a hoplink
Q: "I need to lose weight, how can I do this?"
A: "I used to have the same problem, but I'm in better shape now. I'm following a program that's made me lose a lot of weight. It showed me what I was doing wrong and I'm a much happier person now. Good luck to you!"
Show understanding, give hope and a hoplink.

Post on a regular base
Answer questions for five minutes each day and after a while you'll have so many posts out there, which are indexed by search engines by the way, that you'll be earning a steady amount of money from them.
Go to Yahoo Answers and try it out now.

Do you know another forum that also converts well?
#affiliates #answers #bodyshaping #forum #good #niche #yahoo

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