Has Youtube Stopped Displaying Tags To Other Users?

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Has Youtube stopped displaying the tags used in videos? It has been a very popular technique by video marketers to search for tags used by other popular videos and include a bunch of similar tags in the videos you are uploading.

This can increase the chances of your video showing up in the 'Related Videos' section on the right side. Thus you can hope to get some traffic and eyeballs by leveraging the popularity of other videos.

I have had mild success using this strategy. But just now, while I wanted to upload a new video of mine and was looking for tags from similar videos, I couldn't find them for any video I searched.

If Youtube removed this feature of displaying other video's tags, then it is surely disappointing for people like me who were fond of this tags technique to get some easy exposure for our videos.
#displaying #stopped #tags #users #video #video marketing #youtube

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