11 replies
Source--->Squeeze page--->Opted in...

Is there anyway I can see from which source my current subscribers came from?
#optin #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author GuruGuna
    Which email subscription tool are you using?

    I think if you run your own list management program then you can definitely tag this based on the referrer. However if you are using sites like aweber then you will probably need to do a bit of custom coding on your side and direct users to different optin forms (lists) within aweber.

    For example, you could use PHP coding within your squeeze page to use different Aweber forms based on the referrals. and when a user decides to subscribe, they will join a particular list based on the referrer. A bit more work but it is a work around.

    As I said, if you have your own list manager, then it would be easy to customize it.

    Good luck.

    PS> There may be other ways around it but I have not tested it.
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    • Profile picture of the author wAvision
      Originally Posted by GuruGuna View Post

      Which email subscription tool are you using?

      I think if you run your own list management program then you can definitely tag this based on the referrer. However if you are using sites like aweber then you will probably need to do a bit of custom coding on your side and direct users to different optin forms (lists) within aweber.

      For example, you could use PHP coding within your squeeze page to use different Aweber forms based on the referrals. and when a user decides to subscribe, they will join a particular list based on the referrer. A bit more work but it is a work around.

      As I said, if you have your own list manager, then it would be easy to customize it.

      Good luck.

      PS> There may be other ways around it but I have not tested it.

      I am using Aweber FYI...

      And it looks like from your response, there is nothing I can do to see what source my current subscribers came from. I would have had to have some coding in place, which in this case I did not....
      They Say You Can't...Show Them How
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      • Profile picture of the author yourop
        An easy solution can be accomplished with a few lines of code and a custom field in aweber form.

        PM if you need help with the coding
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    • Profile picture of the author wAvision
      Originally Posted by O0o0O View Post

      Your web statistics should show the visitors, where they came from and whether or not they clicked the "submit" button.

      When you say "web statistics", what are you referring to? Something inside of aweber?
      They Say You Can't...Show Them How
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  • Profile picture of the author yourop
    looks like I can't send pms yet. still too young

    can you pm me your skype id?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7135953].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wAvision
      Originally Posted by yourop View Post

      looks like I can't send pms yet. still too young

      can you pm me your skype id?

      Ya, you need 50 posts....

      I do not have a Skype ID...once you reach 50 posts just go ahead and respond, cool?
      They Say You Can't...Show Them How
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      • Profile picture of the author yourop
        Assuming your squeeze page is php and you have a custom field defined for the optin form named referral in this example

        <input type="text" id="awf_field-22486410" class="text" name="custom referral" value="<?=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']?>" tabindex="503" />

        That will store in aweber the site(s) your subs came to your optin form.
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        • Profile picture of the author MktgGuy
          Hey AW,

          I'm not sure if this will help you, but...

          In AWeber, if you go to your subscribers, then at the bottom click "Export CSV" you'll get a file which will contain a column called "Web Form URL"

          This is the URL from which the user subscribed to your list. It appears this retains the "query string" of the original URL, so if you are sending folks to something like yoursite.com?id=facebook, then you should be able to glean some info at least.

          This isn't perfect. I'd strongly recommend setting up a more solid tracking mechanism.

          AWeber has the ability to accept custom fields, but it already has a "Ad Tracking" field that you can pass thru to it. On my opt in page, I use something like:
          <input type="hidden" name="meta_adtracking" value="<?= $r ?>" >

          Where <?= $r ?> is the "referralID" or campaignID that I am grabbing from the query string (via PHP in this case).

          Top of your PHP page you can put
          <?php $r = $_GET['r']; ?>

          Then call the page with yoursite.com/yourpage.php?r=anything

          For me, I actually have Aweber send this info back to me on subscribes through yet another php script so I can store it in a MYSQL database, then do other stuff with it. I do recommend keeping track on your own end, but for your purposes right now, that's above and beyond what you need.

          Hope this helps you out!

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  • Profile picture of the author yourop
    Just rename your page from .html to .php and the code should work.
    If you need more help, feel free to email me at office[at]yourownprogrammer.com
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