Yahoo answers general

6 replies
Hi everyone,

I'm about to do some tsting on this method as a way to get traffic/click thrus. Can anyone give me an answer to the wfollowing questions I have about Yahoo Answers, or point me to any good threads which could answer any of these?

-Would it be best to choose questions that have few answers, or ensuring your answer is in the first few posts?

-How strict are they in terms of posting links in answers- providing that I'll aim to put in a decent real answer of value, under what circumstances would they identify an affiliate link as spam in the resource box?

-What are the best type of questions to answer?

-If you were to contact a person who has asked a question directly related to this- what guidance could you give- are they likely to report you if you did not answer the question they put?

Any pointers would be useful!

#answers #general #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    When I used to do this, a long time ago, I did learn that you probably should post 4 or 5 answers without any link, before one with a link. From what I understand YA has become hyper-sensitive about answers with links. I also found it was better to post as soon as a question was posted, rather than later.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by dragonsfire1981 View Post

    -How strict are they in terms of posting links in answers- providing that I'll aim to put in a decent real answer of value, under what circumstances would they identify an affiliate link as spam in the resource box?
    It's not about how strict "they" are: it's about how strict your competitors are in "reporting" posts. This varies hugely from niche to niche.

    "They" notice only what people "report" to them, I think. But if it's a popular, competitive niche, your posts will typically start getting reported very quickly, and if there are more than 2 or 3 of them with links, that'll probably be a ban.

    I'm in non-competitive niches, do long answers adding real value with links in about 15% of them, and I seem to get away with it. Many others seem to be less lucky.

    You can get some good traffic that way. Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author ajbarnes777
      What's worked for me is:
      • Leave useful responses.
      • Only include a link in let's say every 3rd to 5th post. Don't make it obvious.
      • Link to another useful article (not a salespage).
      • Answer questions that are on the 2nd to 3rd page (and on) to decrease the chances of some rogue competitor flagging you.
      • Once a week go into your account and check which questions do not have a best answer yet, and vote for yours.
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  • Profile picture of the author deofel
    Very good points above.
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