How would you grow registrations for an online survey panel?

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I currently run an on-line research panel in the UK.

It's been running for four months now, and I have gained around 4,000 sign-ups by using e-mail lists that I'd had (now exhausted), PPC, and leveraging friends.

My goal is to try and gain a further 6,000 sign ups over the next 6-8 months.

I currently have a website with registration form ( , Facebook site (with sign up form,, and twitter account (rarely used).

The on-line survey sector in the UK is very competitive, with a large number of panels ranging between 16-120,000 members.

That being said most people who sign up to these things, join more than one panel to maximise their own earning potential. And I know that there is space in the market for me to grow my panel past 10,000 users.

The question is, if you guys were running an online research panel that pays members to take part in surveys, how would you grow your membership?

Thanks in advance
#grow #online #panel #registrations #survey

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