Weekend Rant - 404 pages for profit

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There are a lots of people who are not maximizing the unused space on their websites and loosing money.

Your probably asking where is this unused space.

It is your error pages.

For example if you have deleted a page or changed the name of a page whether it be in your static pages or your blogging site people get sent to a 404 page.

If your using a static site these can usually be accessed through your cpanel and blogging software allows access through your design edit menu.

Through your cpanel or admin you can access the other error pages also. There are 5 main error pages.

400 - (Bad request)
401 - (Authorization required)
403 - (Forbidden)
404 - (Wrong page)
500 - (Internal server error)

You can add a personalized message to this pages using html and capture visitors that you may have been missing.

In wordpress you can customize this through the design/editor/404 page.

You could add a site map, marketing message or pretty well anything you like.

You can check if you are utilizing this by typing your url and then just add some nonsense on the end.

eg: yourdomain.com/rwe623w45

Here are some clever examples.

I did a few stats searches and I sold 5 products over the last few months simply from 404 pages so get out there and make use of that dead space.

While thats not a lot every sale helps and it only took a few minutes to set up.

Here is my page http://mp3soundstream.com/adf

Maybe you can make something better than me that converts more.

Enjoy and take action and show us your creation.

#404 #pages #profit #rant #weekend

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