7 replies
We've needed something like this for a long time within the forum.

I for one have needed questions answering frequently, but haven't had the chance to ask them or have felt a little stupid asking very simple and stupid questions in a place as 'public's as the WF. I figured that we can use this thread to ask pretty much any single question related to anything on the WF.

Hope this thread takes off and it can be kept open and busy for as long as possible.

I'll start off with mine.

I understand what a squeeze page does - but where do I begin making one?
  • Profile picture of the author Hani D
    Thank you for opening this thread and I think I can answer your question.
    You can build a squeeze page using some plugins, I think you can find one here, as I recall it was "simple squeeze plugin". Install this plugin on your wordpress and create a squeeze page.

    The other options are themes like, Profit Theme, FlexSqueeze Theme and OptimizePress Theme. I prefer OptimizePress.

    Just install the theme and choose your squeeze page template.
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Geer
    There are plenty of plugins or software creation tools to make squeeze pages for you if you don't have the proper coding knowledge or budget to hire a coder to make one from scratch.

    Optimize Press is probably the easiest and most widely used solution to creating a squeeze page:
    Optimize Press | Pro Internet Marketing Tools

    Skype: Coreygeer319

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  • Profile picture of the author MrJackBauer
    Thanks guys, I have looked into both of your responses and will take you up on them. Hope it brings results.

    I opened this thread, just as a simple method of allowing any newbies that haven't found their feet yet just to simply pop in and ask any regular question without being sniped at, or ignored etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You can make an ugly one and still get alot of leads. Depends on your niche. Use any kind of website builder, or find a website/graphic designer to create one for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by MrJackBauer View Post

    I figured that we can use this thread to ask pretty much any single question related to anything on the WF.
    If you do, you will probably have this thread either deleted or moved to another location. There are specific sections of the Warrior Forum for certain topics, all related to Internet marketing. This particular section is not for topics that belong elsewhere.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Ewan Lumsden
    What's the best way to get funding for a new website that will require a lot of money to hire coders/designers? Angel investors? Kickstarter?

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  • Profile picture of the author MrJackBauer
    Exactly the question I've been wanting to ask for so long. It seems borderline impossible to get any funding or project funding these days.
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