Best online tools for monitoring Rankings, etc.?

2 replies
Hi all,

I've got the SEO Powersuite package and absolutely hate it.

I've had it for a few years now, paid a ton of money for it, then a whole lot more for the RECURRING licenses!!!

I will admit that it has helped me do on-page optimization of a few websites, but outside of that I haven't seen any value from this software package, a total waste of money in my case (lots of money).

The RankTracker software is nice for keeping tabs on SEO progress, but certainly not worth the licensing fees, so I need to find a good ONLINE replacement.

I like the idea of it being a service that I can pay monthly for, because that's easier... or even a self hosted option because of privacy.

Ideally it would allow me to enter my websites and keywords, and then it would do *automatic* rank checks (say once a week or similar) without me having to manually request the update.

Anything like that out there?
#monitoring #online #rankings #tools
  • Profile picture of the author kenzik
    That sounds like a good product idea... hmm...

    What would you pay for something like that? How many sites/keywords would you expect it to support?
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  • Profile picture of the author MrPete2000
    Depends on overall features and complexity, but probably:

    $5/m for 3 websites & 20 keywords per website?
    $10/m for 10 websites

    Maybe more if it did more than simple rank tracking/reporting.


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