Financial Relief Or Financial Freedom?

1 replies
Every Warrior has their own goal and their own idea of what they want to do in a couple of years down the road. Even 5 years down the road, every Warrior should have a vision of themselves set in their minds of what they want to be doing.

So what are you looking for?

Financial Relief - Do you want short term money that you can live on or do you just want to make enough money to live comfortably without having to worry about bills while having some money left over?

Financial Freedom - Do you want to be one of those people driving a sports car and making crazy infomercials about the latest make money online product? Basically, do you want to make so much money that you'll never have to step foot into a job ever again or work for someone else? You can't get away from financial freedom because the money will always be there and it will always follow you. I suppose you could donate everything you own, but if you do it right, you'll have more coming in right away.

So i'm curious Warriors, what are you looking for?
#financial #freedom #relief
  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    My goal is to be able to retire over the next 5 years with what I am doing. The luxuries are nice but my main intent is to help people understand how to market and to use personal development as a way to re-condition their minds and achieve success by properly leveraging the internet. There are too many people out there that are relying on a job from 16 to 65 like a robot. That plan sucks! My intent is to be at the finish line 30 years ahead of schedule but never stop racing.
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