Are digital marketing courses for ecommerce or not?

2 replies
If someone is looking to take courses to become competent in online retail such as selling via their website or other channels, is it solely digital marketing courses they are looking for or is there other courses that pertain strongly or stronger to this particular business?

Thanks for any info.
#courses #digital #ecommerce #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author areoo
    In my opinion you start off at solely studying digital marketing courses. When you business gets better. then you can concentrate on Offline.
    But either way it still works.
    I mean if you want i believe you can find talks outside which teaches this. But theres tons and tons of information online about starting up and learning about setting this kind of things up.
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    • Profile picture of the author Byron2k12
      Good reply, yes what i am thinking is after you advance past the "information online" and are you get an interest for it and have done some practical too, what courses would you take, digital marketing would not cover everything, i think "ebusiness" is another type of course? Just looking for advice on the courses that exist for small business website retail.
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