Top, middle or bottom of the article? Where do you put your affiliate link(s)?

by Jensha
6 replies
When you presell a product in a review page in your blog/site where do find it effective for people to click on your affiliate link?

When you pace it on top, in the middle of the article, at the bottom of it after all the reviews or all of the above?

I'm about to put one in my product reviews. Any advice? Or if there has already been threads about this can you share it to me please because I can't find any with the search option.
#affiliate #article #bottom #links #middle #put #top
  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    When I read a review about something new, I haven't heard about:

    I will click on the link on first and see the site aside, then continue reading.

    So this means you should put the link on top when you first mention your product. Then another one in an image and then finally at the bottom with a call to action.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Depends on the application.

    For my lists I offer a simple sentence and then the link.
    [The sale you've been waiting for, high heels for just $X.XX]

    In an article on a website, that's another story, and honestly it depends on the story I am trying to tell. What is the angle. Am I appealing to new shoppers, or returning visitors? Am I trying to reach someone who found me via search engine or someone who found me via a link on a forum?

    Generally, again generally, for an article I tell my story and then provide a link at the bottom. As for emails, for the niches I am in, one sentence that gets them interested and then BOOM... there is the link.

    Just my MFO.

    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    I find that the middle and bottom convert well. Ideally drawing interest with content first, mention the solution and then provide the solution again at the end, ending it with content to get your readers opinions on what they think / experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

    When you pace it on top, in the middle of the article, at the bottom of it after all the reviews or all of the above?
    I put it only at the end of the review.

    The reason you're getting different answers here from different people is that different people understand very different things from the words "review" and "pre-selling". It's important not to confuse "pre-selling" with "selling". I'm an affiliate. The last thing I want is for my visitors/readers/subscribers to imagine that I'm selling. That greatly reduces the number of sales I can ever make.

    "Pre-selling"/"review" and "call to action" are a complete contradiction in terms. Something with a "call to action" is not really pre-selling and it isn't really a review, either, the way I define "pre-selling" and "review".

    Originally Posted by Jensha View Post

    Or if there has already been threads about this can you share it to me please because I can't find any with the search option.
    I can't, either. I think it probably isn't discussed here as much as it should be, or as much as we expect. On the other hand, many people imagine that a "review" is a way of selling, and it's not easy to discuss it perceptively or productively within that sort of frame of reference, so maybe it's just as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author pluto1
    For my articles, it is mostly at the end of the solution story. Your readers should be interested in your content, and if they like what they read, they will def reach the end of the page and would want to know more about the product you are recommending.
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