What the heck is missing???

10 replies
In the next few days I'm launching a new blog about KIDS and SOCIAL MEDIA...

A guide for clueless parents.

It will be a video blog.

Here is what I have so far....

13 and Up

What CRUCIAL elements am I missing?
#heck #missing
  • Profile picture of the author adsassist
    More graphics, change to a better font, find a good plugin for your recent posts, like Advanced Recent Posts (I use this and love it).

    Your selling Amozan T.V's which is not even close to your niche. Find some Amozan products that are in your niche.

    The most important part, you said it is a video blog. Where is the video?

    I did not like this comment at all - "Odds are I wouldn’t like your kids if I did"

    I'm sorry but I don't like this blog at all. Just the fact you are saying my kids are the problem. You went the wrong way with this one. I truly feel offended reading it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Kaye
      Originally Posted by adsassist View Post

      I'm sorry but I don't like this blog at all. Just the fact you are saying my kids are the problem. You went the wrong way with this one. I truly feel offended reading it.
      Okay. Glad I asked. Let me rethink the "cynical" approach.

      I appreciate the comments.

      I'll head back to the drawing board and repost later...

      Any other ideas?
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    I don't think you pissed everyone off enough. Even if everything you are saying is 100% true .. the people you are selling to do not want to hear it. In an "everyone gets a trophy" society .. I don't see your approach working.

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    • Profile picture of the author grey38
      Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

      In an "everyone gets a trophy" society
      Haha, that's a good one. Never heard that before.
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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      If I had kids, the first 3 paragraphs would be enough to piss me off, and I'd be gone.

      You're sure not making any friends with that 'tone' in your copy.

      Change your focus completely.
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    I agree with adsassist. If a parent cares enough about their child to look this information up, they probably care enough about their child to not let them off the rails too much. That said, you can't start a blog writing that you're better than everyone else. People will follow you if they can relate to you on some level. I know how kids are, and it's true a lot of kids are horrible influences, but there's a reason politicians who play the politics game get on top.

    If the parent is looking for help you need to be constructive, not kicking them while they're down. People who don't care won't look it up, therefore those parent's won't see this. I hope this doesn't come across as angry, but just like adsassist, i feel a little offended reading it too.

    Other then that, the theme could use some sprucing for sure. I used a free theme called Graphene a while back, and it's actually really beautiful for it's simplicity. Check it out if you're tight on funds.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanGillam
    There are a lot of Kindle eBooks on Amazon.com which I have been asked to write reviews on for a number of different people. These books are designed to 'scare' parents about the world of Social Media and what their children are doing. I suggest you look into promoting some of these as opposed to your generic Amazon banner down the side.

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  • Profile picture of the author SurrealPSD
    Have to agree with the others.. the 'holier than thou' shtick will rile up a fair few people. It agitated me, and I don't even have kids!!
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymakerway
    Site looks fine in my opinion!
    If you ask me I would erase link
    to amazon products and maybe
    change a header.

    I think you should primarily focus on building
    an email list, so don't put affiliate links on your
    site until you build up decent base of subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author clintmyers
    Oh yeah, you are going to turn a lot of parents off with this website. You can't tell people their kids are bad. You really have to approach this very carefully. And when you start off saying you don't like other people's kids well these people are thinking that they don't like your kids either and click away.

    Clint Myers

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