STOP Procrastinating and START Doing!

22 replies
You will never know unless you do it!

Something will look great on paper but will never work out on action. Some accidents may reveal the best strategies/business ideas. So it is better to keep doing and trying new things and fail, you will find new gems.

Derek Sivers, founder of CDbaby said that "Quality comes from quantity and you have to keep trying but use different approaches, this is persistence."

Start doing and don't wait till you make it perfect, that way you won't be able to finish it. Perfect it over time.

Hope this helps someone, somewhere
#procrastinating #start #stop
  • Profile picture of the author overseer
    I agree with this. Most of the times, we only LEARN, LEARN AND LEARN. Taking action is something that we don't do because we don't want to commit mistakes. For us, everything must be perfect the first time we do it. But there is no such thing. Committing mistakes is normal... the important thing is that we took action and we learned from it

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  • Profile picture of the author JeniferStarr
    Absolutely true! I think it's good to learn and plan, but those have no value without the final action step.

    You have to get over your fear of failure and just take the leap. Mistakes are great learning tools and "doing" is really the only way to learn and grow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevinhoss
    This is true. Learning may be the starting point but you will never know your success if you DO IT. Not all people has the initiative to go ahead and do something in order to realize their goals. You can never perfect something you haven't done before or expecting to perfect things in one go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Albright
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
      This to me is the new IMer's BIGGEST hurdle. For a LOOOONG time I'd buy buy buy and watch the videos in the course or read the PDF report. Then I'd sit around like a jackass.

      Simply learning won't get you anywhere if you don't actually DO something. I was afraid of hard work in my off time, and because of it, I stalled. Put yourself in a position where you HAVE to do something, and get to work. Motivation won't come without a price.
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      • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
        Originally Posted by mikehuff View Post

        This to me is the new IMer's BIGGEST hurdle. For a LOOOONG time I'd buy buy buy and watch the videos in the course or read the PDF report. Then I'd sit around like a jackass.

        Simply learning won't get you anywhere if you don't actually DO something. I was afraid of hard work in my off time, and because of it, I stalled. Put yourself in a position where you HAVE to do something, and get to work. Motivation won't come without a price.
        This. I think the biggest hurdle block for many newbies is trying to learn every single method and refusing to take action. They are constantly looking for the magic button that will make them a millionaire overnight. Sadly that rich push button doesn't exist.
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        • Profile picture of the author mstrmindmktg
          I needed this today. Have taken more training than I care to remember - much of it very good. But the "taking action" part has been nonexistent. I will never know those opportunities if I don't act on my ideas. Thanks all!
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
      Originally Posted by Jack Albright View Post

      This reminded me of a really great quote: "Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried." ~ Robert Kiyosaki
      Great quote. One I read a good while back resonated with me a LOT when I when trying to change and quit being such a procrastinator:

      "Yesterday ended last night." - John C. Maxwell

      Today can be the day you decide to change
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  • Profile picture of the author ymest
    Yeah, and I like this one too! "Planning is good, doing is better!"! Totally agree with you although I do hold a few honorary badges from the School of Procrastination and I am not proud of it!

    Astrologist would say that it's because I a Libran... I say, it's because I am lazy...or have been!

    I time myself now, and reward myself afterwards, if I have been good, of course! To each his own! But you're right there, totally right! Another kick in the butt! Can't do any harm!

    People....GET BACK TO WORK! :( Or, maybe...GET TO WORK) :

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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Even
    Money LOVES Speed!
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymakerway
    Yeah, you're right! You need to be consistent
    and to take some action towards your goals,
    because there is no overnight success!

    Instead of constantly seeking for new online opportunities
    it's a better idea to create plan and strategy!
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  • Profile picture of the author InfiniteInc
    Honestly this advice cannot be heard often enough, experience is worth at least 10 times as much as knowledge.

    Actually trying something out for yourself is the only way of figuring out if it will work for you. Anyone can spend all day reading different strategies and thinking about them but that won't make you any money. Once you start doing the money will start coming in, maybe not right away but it will eventually.
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  • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
    Knowledge is just potential power... action is everything!

    The guys from Google once said that they're always the first to win because they're always the first to fail.

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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    The internet gives you the chance to improve your work. You have many ways to make it better with time. You can work on something and improve it until it becomes perfect, even if in the beginning it is not so good. However, it is always a good idea to make a plan and study a lot before acting.

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  • Profile picture of the author asiriusthoth
    I was all jazzed and excited about reading this post; great information.. then I saw the OP was banned. This went from total excitement to bummer :\

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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    This reminded me of a really great quote: “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki

    I believe he went bankrupt recently
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    • Profile picture of the author dad2four
      Originally Posted by troy23 View Post

      This reminded me of a really great quote: "Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried." ~ Robert Kiyosaki

      I believe he went bankrupt recently

      Bankruptcy is just part of business. Do you know how many times Trump has gone Bankrupt? You call him a success or a failure? Either way, I'll take it. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author krad32
    One of the best thing to do when you do mistakes is to learn from it.

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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Mind Warriors - Success, Power, Self-Improvement
    MOVE HERE ^^^ PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
    This was one of my BIGGEST problems. Scratch that, definitely my biggest problem. People here on WF can help though. I had one of my most productive days ever yesterday, and energized to get going today too! Pumped.

    I ran across a thread offering one on one help for free the other day from a warrior named "success4all" and without revealing his methods, he helped me stamp out procrastination.

    True, ONE DAY is nowhere near enough time to say, "it's gone forever," but he greatly helped me. And for free. People that need the same should look him up before he pulls his offer. He spent an hour on the phone with me, and I can't imagine him doing that for free much longer.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Moore
      That is so true, procrastinating and lollygagging is one thing that draw back productivity. There are 4 factors which make it stronger day by day.
      1. False security, by saying "oh, this won't due until tomorrow, lets relax"
      2. excuses, oh, I am busy today, I need to clean up my desk
      3. laziness, lets do it! okay, maybe next time
      4. Denial, I don't need sleep, I can do this (but nothing is done by the end of the day)

      Well, keep the hard work guys!
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