Managing Your Time Effectively...

14 replies
One of the most important things to do if you want to become successful online is managing your time effectively.

This means setting a 1 hour timer to do your blog posts, spending 2 hours doing nothing but marketing, avoiding time sinks such as emailing and facebook surfing. Getting stuff accomplished is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

Manage Your Time Effectively. It's crucial to your success online.
#effectively #managing #time
  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    One cannot fully manage their time unless they are in a day job.

    What I feel it is okay to break things and take a break from things once in a while then come back again with something new.

    Over the years I tried to stick with a routine but was never able to stick to it. I like the way I do it. There is a saying, do what is most important right now.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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    • Profile picture of the author smonline
      Originally Posted by tamalanwar View Post

      Over the years I tried to stick with a routine but was never able to stick to it. I like the way I do it. There is a saying, do what is most important right now.
      Create a to do list each day. Don't open your computer before u create a to do list. And keep this list always in front of you while you are working on your laptop. This will solve this problem.

      It is difficult to keep up with the same routine each day. What really matters is getting a list of things done at the end of the day. That means seeing "results" at the end of the day. A to do list, properly prioritised, helps with this.
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      • Profile picture of the author CBGCash
        I would recommend that you StevePavlina's personal development for smart people.

        This guy micromanages his time amazingly. He finished college with 2 majors in 3 semesters getting almost straight A's while working 40 hours per week. Talk about productivity =)
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        • To help manage my time, I set up time periods where I block off email. For certain hours throughout the day I close Outlook so I won't be distracted by incoming mail. I took a seminar once that claimed that it takes 8 minutes to get back into what you're doing after you've stopped to respond to an email.
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  • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
    Kinda stating the obvious buddy.
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  • Profile picture of the author LillySage
    I tend to break things down into half hour slots...and sometimes 15 minute slots. Unless I'm just sitting and writing for hours at a time, I find that 1/2 hour chunks work best for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    It is always important to know what you want to do the very next day.

    You need to have an action plan in place because if you don't then you will just browse the internet for hours and get nothing done.

    I have and set my goals every day.

    1) Write 1-3 new articles in the warrior forum articles section.

    2) Post useful posts here in the forum and other forums.

    3) Create new content on my own website.

    4) Take any of the articles I wrote and send it to my list.

    That is pretty much what I do everyday.
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    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      It is always important to know what you want to do the very next day.

      You need to have an action plan in place because if you don't then you will just browse the internet for hours and get nothing done.

      I have and set my goals every day.

      1) Write 1-3 new articles in the warrior forum articles section.

      2) Post useful posts here in the forum and other forums.

      3) Create new content on my own website.

      4) Take any of the articles I wrote and send it to my list.

      That is pretty much what I do everyday.
      This is exactly what i an talking about. Managing your time properly to get things done.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      It is always important to know what you want to do the very next day.

      You need to have an action plan in place because if you don't then you will just browse the internet for hours and get nothing done.

      I have and set my goals every day.

      1) Write 1-3 new articles in the warrior forum articles section.

      2) Post useful posts here in the forum and other forums.

      3) Create new content on my own website.

      4) Take any of the articles I wrote and send it to my list.

      That is pretty much what I do everyday.
      Absolutely set goals/plan your day DAILY to keep on track. I find doing it before bed for the next day is a great way to wake up productive, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author joshcoffy
    This was actually what I needed today! THANK YOU! I was feeling pretty blah and didnt feel like following my typical schedule, but I'm going to rewrite a few things in hour long blocks! I've never done that before!

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  • For me email is the killer. I only answer my emails once a day (10 AM).Anything after can wait for tomorrow!
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  • Profile picture of the author EmilyAbbott
    time management is quite hard sometimes, especially if you are not used to planning your activity daily. However, in order to be successful, it is essential that you organize well everything that is serious in your life, like job, for example or professional-related activities.
    Things to do:
    -Set your mind for what you want/need to do.
    -Always start with the hardest thing or the one you like less. The others will seem easier.
    -Set your time limits and respect them as much as possible.

    -Never postpone something that is important just because you do not like it! The longer you postpone it, the lesser you have chances to actually do it at some point.
    -Do not ask too much from yourself. Take one activity at a time.

    Well, good luck with whatever you want to do!
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