7 replies
I am planning to launch some "bigger" WSO's in future. Does anyone have experience if a graphic salespage really makes a difference in sales?

My WSO's will be in the amazon PLR niche and I plan to release some different PDF guides. I already tested the water and released three WSO's in the past to see how it works from the technical side.

My first one was not well managed and flopped (PLR), already know why, was my fault. But the second and third of my WSO's were high quality reports and even got really hot reviews from customers.

My main problem was that they didn't really take off. I have no big affiliates and not too many sales, though it is a good product.

Any help welcome! Is it my salespage or do I need to know JV partners upfront?
#launch #tips #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Try to recruit as many affiliates for your products as you can, get as many good reviews for your product as you can, and market your product as much as you can.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Join as many WSO mastermind groups as possible and make friends with people in them. Do a search of this forum and the Web in general to find them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Simply adding some graphics to your sales page isn't going to give you a huge boost in sales IME. There's not much in the way of organic sales in the WSO section these days it seems. Most of the sales from affiliates promoting so I'd focus on that if I was you, build some relationships and try and get a few big guys promoting for you.
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  • Your sales page could definitely do with a makeover, both in copy and graphics. Ways to promote your offer are solo ads, your signature, affiliates, banner ads (warriorforum has one too).

    To get affiliates you can usually contact them here on the forum by finding who the big players in your niche are. If that's SEO, then those that sell their own SEO guide. Those you sold your WSO to can also be future affiliates, especially since many big named warriors will often buy a lot of WSO's if they think they are going to be learning something new that'll help their business or people on their list.

    Another way is buying several WSO's in the same niche, after which you'll be signed up to their list. Look out for regular e-mails that link to offers, those are the guys more likely to promote your product.


    I've never launched a WSO, but that's what I've been told by several successful WSO Posters. I'm going to be releasing my Amazon site creation service (as a WSO) as with most of my work being outsourced, I have time to add to my revenue sources by building others the Amazon sites I use to use before I had a huge review site and script built for me.

    I'm not starting with affiliates, so the only things I'll have to attract customers is the actual forum, and my signature, and perhaps solo ads. I'll see how that goes and then decide whether I need affiliates or not, but I've had a professional sales page made for me (both graphics and copy).
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  • Profile picture of the author shabit87
    Pre-launch. Build a buzz, get folks excited about your launch.
    Pinpoint the problem and BE the solution (well not you, but your product).
    Give people a reason to only trust you, but feel great about making that decision and taking action to prove it (i.e. BUY).

    Besides that the above tips say it all. Get affiliates and be sure to take care of them. Give them the tools needed to make promoting for you easy, including swipes, banners, bonuses for their list, etc.

    Above all be sure to learn from your launch. Test, record, revise, and keep going!
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