by amacca
17 replies
Hey i'm looking for a website theme for any CMS (content management system) be it wordpress or whatever that will let users register and rate products by being able to post a message and select a rating whether it be stars or percent but also let the site administrator link to where the reviewed item can be bought.

Most of the themes i'm coming across are review only or shopping. Or let you review and 'add to cart'. Problem is I don't plan on selling anything - I plan just to link to affiliates.

Hope this makes sense.
Any help much appreciated.
#find #theme
  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    What are you trying to do? It sounds, and I repeat, sounds like you're trying to build a "square wheel"...if you know what I'm saying.
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    • Profile picture of the author NatesMarketing
      I think what you're looking for is a combination of a theme + plugins. I don't know of just one or the other that could do what you're looking for.

      So you could maybe use that theme that jlongoria is referring to...InReview and a plugin like SEO Smart Links - Premium WordPress SEO Plugin to create the affiliate links.
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      • Profile picture of the author amacca
        Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

        What are you trying to do? It sounds, and I repeat, sounds like you're trying to build a "square wheel"...if you know what I'm saying.
        Not really following.

        In simple terms: I'm looking to create a review site which lets users review products the admin posts. But also allows the admin to supply links to where the product can be bought.

        Originally Posted by NatesMarketing View Post

        I think what you're looking for is a combination of a theme + plugins. I don't know of just one or the other that could do what you're looking for.

        So you could maybe use that theme that jlongoria is referring to...InReview and a plugin like SEO Smart Links - Premium WordPress SEO Plugin to create the affiliate links.

        You're probably right, still struggling to find relevant plugins though.
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  • Profile picture of the author jlongoria
    There is a theme called InReview by ElegantThemes that allows users to rate. So you have the editors rating and the users rating.
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    • Profile picture of the author amacca
      Originally Posted by jlongoria View Post

      There is a theme called InReview by ElegantThemes that allows users to rate. So you have the editors rating and the users rating.
      I like the theme.

      But i'm looking for a theme that only allows for user ratings and the not an editor rating. So that it's more 'community driven' so to speak. So the editor will post a product with a short description and users will rate on a series of things. Value, Effectivness, ect.
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      • Profile picture of the author jlongoria
        Originally Posted by amacca View Post

        I like the theme.

        But i'm looking for a theme that only allows for user ratings and the not an editor rating. So that it's more 'community driven' so to speak. So the editor will post a product with a short description and users will rate on a series of things. Value, Effectivness, ect.
        You can actually customize the theme. If you browse the support forum in elegant themes, you can find an easy fix that fits your needs.
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      • Profile picture of the author webmonopoly
        Originally Posted by amacca View Post

        I like the theme.

        But i'm looking for a theme that only allows for user ratings and the not an editor rating. So that it's more 'community driven' so to speak. So the editor will post a product with a short description and users will rate on a series of things. Value, Effectivness, ect.
        I just went through a similar search as you. It took me a while to find a theme, i liked a lot i saw on, just search for "review". I ended up finding a nice one yesterday and my site is already up, check my signature for link its an amazon affiliate review site.

        You can just find a nice magazine theme and then add a star rating plug in and an amazon plug in.
        Want To Make Real Passive Income?
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  • Profile picture of the author amacca
    Closest i've found, yet/

    View:R Theme

    Lets the user rate on a series of aspects on the product. Also I don't think it lets users register.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7927352].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author amacca
      Originally Posted by amacca View Post

      Closest i've found, yet/

      View:R Theme

      Lets the user rate on a series of aspects on the product. Also I don't think it lets users register.

      Anyone know of any similar themes?
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Are you wanting also to sell these products, because if you are a few of the shopping cart plugins allow you to rate and comment on products.

    One such plugin is WP E-Commerce...

    Martin Platt

    Stuck with earning commissions online? Get this get this uncensored affiliate marketing guide for free (sold as coaching for $4,997)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7927633].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author amacca
      Originally Posted by MartinPlatt View Post

      Are you wanting also to sell these products, because if you are a few of the shopping cart plugins allow you to rate and comment on products.

      One such plugin is WP E-Commerce...
      Not looking to personally sell anything, but link to affiliates.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7927874].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
        Originally Posted by amacca View Post

        Not looking to personally sell anything, but link to affiliates.
        Wrong wording... YOU are the affiliate. And you will link to vendors whose affiliate you are. :rolleyes:

        The first step for getting the right answer is to know how to ask the right question.

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  • Profile picture of the author freotech
    You can use GDStar plugin on any wordpress theme.
    WordPress › GD Star Rating « WordPress Plugins

    It allows you to add a rating to each product but also allows users to rate the products
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    • Profile picture of the author amacca
      Originally Posted by freotech View Post

      You can use GDStar plugin on any wordpress theme.
      WordPress › GD Star Rating « WordPress Plugins

      It allows you to add a rating to each product but also allows users to rate the products
      Not sure if that allows the user to rate on multiple aspects of one product.

      For example:

      Taste 5/5
      Texture 3/5
      Cost 2/5
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      • Profile picture of the author amacca
        Originally Posted by amacca View Post

        Not sure if that allows the user to rate on multiple aspects of one product.

        For example:

        Taste 5/5
        Texture 3/5
        Cost 2/5
        Anyone know of a theme/plugin like this?
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  • Profile picture of the author advancedmile
    Originally Posted by amacca View Post

    Hey i'm looking for a website theme for any CMS (content management system) be it wordpress or whatever that will let users register and rate products by being able to post a message and select a rating whether it be stars or percent but also let the site administrator link to where the reviewed item can be bought.

    Most of the themes i'm coming across are review only or shopping. Or let you review and 'add to cart'. Problem is I don't plan on selling anything - I plan just to link to affiliates.

    Hope this makes sense.
    Any help much appreciated.

    For example these themes. Most of them have awesome rating systems, but the prices are around $50 per one domain.

    1. HP TouchPad Wi-Fi 16 GB Tablet | Amazon Tablet Review Demo
    2. Post With Featured Image | Sahifa
    3. Premium WordPress Themes by AWESEM
    4. Made
    5. ThemeSector | Theme: Avenue
    6. WordPress - SwagMag - WordPress Magazine/Review Theme | ThemeForest
    7. WordPress - Continuum - Magazine Wordpress Theme | ThemeForest
    8. Magazon - Advanced, Responsive WP Magazine Theme Preview - ThemeForest
    9. Batman – Arkham City, Hands on Gameplay | Gonzo
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  • Profile picture of the author amacca
    Think ive found the theme I like most | Theme: Score
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