How to add your webform onto all your WP blog pages

8 replies
Hi All!

I know this may be something that all you seasoned Warriors know, but I wanted to share this for anyone new out there!

I have been building my new online business for a couple of months now and making steady progress which I am really pleased about.

One thing I noticed on my blog the other day (cant believe I didn't spot it before!) is that my opt in webform only appears on my home page and not on any of my posts or pther pages (NOT GOOD)

I went into each page to have a look at the settings and noticed a section on the right giving 3 options for thepage format.

1. Standard or Default
2. Sidebar
3. Showcase

They were all set to "Default", so I clicked the "Sidebar" option in each page, pressed "Update" and HEY PRESTO! I now have my home page sidebar showing on each and every page which includes my webform!

Nothing EPIC I know, but for those starting out, any info like this, however simple it may seem is always welcomed. I know I felt that way to begin with.

Hope this helps anyone withthe same issues!

Will report back later to see if this small change has any effect on my opt in's from my blog traffic!

All the best!

#add #blog #pages #webform
  • Profile picture of the author dargo72
    Things like this are more helpful than you know

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    • Profile picture of the author andyjbenson
      Originally Posted by dargo72 View Post

      Things like this are more helpful than you know

      No problem buddy! I know what it's like to start from scratch. The problem is the further you go down the line in building your online business, you tend to forget what it was like when starting out and all the frustrations trying to figure out just the simple things!

      I always try to pass on what I learn as soon as I learn it so that I don't forget others who are in a similar position to where I was not so long ago!

      Glad it was of help and I will keep posting so be sure to check back buddy!
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  • Profile picture of the author dancaron
    You can also use Widgets - and place opt-in form code in them. Then you can place them in different areas of you site. Like the header/footer/sidebar/etc...
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    • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
      Hi...I wonder your blog plateform is based on Wordpress...If yes! Then I feel..These type of learning will eventually help you in the long run...If not using WordPress and as you are strating out...I will highly recommend to learn and use WordPress.

      In my words...Its just like god's gift.

      To your success,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955240].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author andyjbenson
        Originally Posted by vikash_kumar View Post

        Hi...I wonder your blog plateform is based on Wordpress...If yes! Then I feel..These type of learning will eventually help you in the long run...If not using WordPress and as you are strating out...I will highly recommend to learn and use WordPress.

        In my words...Its just like god's gift.

        To your success,
        Thanks for the comments and yes it's a WP blog. I cant imagine using any other now!
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraLarkin
    Just grab any widget or plugin. easily searched via Google. Still very helpful information.
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    • Profile picture of the author andyjbenson
      Originally Posted by SandraLarkin View Post

      Just grab any widget or plugin. easily searched via Google. Still very helpful information.
      Thanks Sandra! Sometimes I wonder if what I'm learning is worth posting about as a lot of itis pretty basic to most Warriors, but then I remember back to when I first started and how ANY bit of info to begin with was useful in some way, so I want to share whatever I can.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennisknows
    There are 3 ways this can be done.

    1. You have to edit the PHP coding. The posts.php will be for blog posts only. pages.php will be for blog pages only.

    2. Pay someone on Fiverr to do it. Just give them your code and tell them what you want. Even though I know a little about PHP, I would still choose this option.

    3. Look for a plugin that does this. This might take some time as you will have to find a plugin built by someone who faced the same problems you face now.

    Hope that helps. I have a Fiverr guy I know can handle this. He handles all my quick coding needs. PM me if you would like his info...

    The Marketing Menace
    "May the optimism of your tomorrow fuel your drive for today"
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