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No, this isn't another shout out for others to join me. I'm in but not pushing. Why?
At this moment not a part of my model, and can't afford major distractions or focus shift.

I am however enamoured by the methodology that the interface uses in order to build what effectively is a 'list'.

The 'you've got to be invited'.
The code sent via SMS or email to open the door and so on.

Those who know what I mean will know.

Do you think it's a good 'take', on a tell a friend script, or a 'unlock your content after 5 friends have joined', sort of 'supposedly viral script'.

There are other factors at play also Im sure.

I'm not ( as said) looking for joiners to my list but just asking what others here think of the way it's done.

There are tons of list building traffic explosion softwares out there.

This one seems to work.

Thanks for reading.and would enjoy hearing what you guys think.


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