Site Selling Question. Frustration of Selling. Flippa still good?

2 replies
I'm a builder that flips pretty consistent.

I have a new website for sale that's got 2013 in the domain, which has earned $584 since around February 15th ( over $500 of that was earned in March-April )

It has to be updated regularly to earn but if you can use something to cover a car payment, it's well worth it.

I have a few questions after attempting a sale & having a few inquiries. My knowledge is ancient & requires updates. I've been focused on other things more. Just hoping to find a few good ideas on Warrior.

1) Earning $584 in about 70 days, would 2.5x the total revenue be a fair price to ask? $1460 to be exact

2) I was going to list on Flippa but it looks like nothing generally sells there anymore for a fair price. Is it any longer a resource? I don't want to risk $29-$39 trying to sell to a bunch of low-ballers.

3) Is there any new marketplaces to find buyers that are looking / buying quality custom sites from US builders? I make mine from scratch with a design / program team.

- CB
#flippa #frustration #good #question #selling #site
  • Profile picture of the author icemonkey9
    Great question, I think some people sell privately here at WF as well as over at other internet marketing forums, that might be your best bet. Flippa isn't totally full of low ballers and if you are really concerned with it, just set a reserve price. Honestly, I think your estimated value is very high because a buyer will be very concerned about the value of that site on January 1, 2014, right?
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    • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
      Originally Posted by icemonkey9 View Post

      Great question, I think some people sell privately here at WF as well as over at other internet marketing forums, that might be your best bet. Flippa isn't totally full of low ballers and if you are really concerned with it, just set a reserve price. Honestly, I think your estimated value is very high because a buyer will be very concerned about the value of that site on January 1, 2014, right?

      Yeah which is pretty ridiculous. The site is based on a dynamic content set up / structure.

      The niche itself is good for branding a little extra publicity but the articles will not tank . Thousands of images will not tank.

      There's sites that are successful with 1981 in it...... all about the work!

      I looked at the WF buyers, do people actually spend money here?
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