Are any of you syndicating or getting your content syndicated from article directories?

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I constantly see it mentioned that the only good purpose for article directories is so that your article will be "syndicated."

Do any of you who own sites actually syndicate content "as is" from article directories any more?

If you're a content writer, do you often have your articles "syndicated" to quality sites? (The keyword being quality here)

My thoughts on the subject are:

Why would anyone use articles from article directories when you consider the following:

You can have decent original content written for a few dollars.

There is software that will merge articles together, you do a little rewriting and you have an original article.

There are sites that let you manually paste an article or sections from different articles together and then you rewrite them.

You can pay someone a few dollars to rewrite articles for you.

If you have a decent site already you can often find people who are more than willing to offer original content for free as a guest writer.

Back when I was huge into article marketing, most of the time when my articles would get picked up for "syndication" they were put on spammy made for adsense sites. Not all the time, but the majority of the time, this was true.

However, I wasn't doing it back then for the "syndication" I was doing it for the SEO and subsequent clickthrough to my site, but this was waaaay before Google slapped the shit out of article directories and this was a valid method.

I just fail to see the relevance of writing for any article directories now.

So, content producers are you seeing "syndication" of your articles on quality sites?

Site owners are you actually using articles from directories on your sites "as is?"
#article #content #directories #syndicated #syndicating

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