Checkout and Shopping Cart Conversion

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I have been playing around with a few options on my checkout, shopping cart and confirmation page.

Page Sequence:
Item (Buy Button) -> Cart (Input information) -> Confirm (Confirm Button) -> Receipt.

All Pages must be there but I am only having a .5% conversion rate on the Cart and about 35% on confirm. The items are around $50 to $500. From what I have read that is not good at all.

I have seen multiple different approaches and did not know if they would work.

Cart Options:

1. Free Shipping
2. Exit Popup
3. Intellichat
4. Ask the user if they mean to exit the page; Maybe give a promotional offer on a page alert (Ok or Cancel Options)

Confirmation Page Options: (must be there)
1. ??

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated. I would like to atleast get the conversion to 1%.
#cart #checkout #conversion #shopping

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